I have an interesting data from my back yard to analyze.
I pay for renting an apartment 1000 (landlord + sewer + water + maintenance + garbage collection) plus about 300 for heating, electricity and the internet. Total 1300 a month for having an apartment with everything we need to live.
There is a nice house for sale 50m away, same size like my apartment, with a tiny yard. An apartment with such a yard could be 200 more expensive to rent than mine, there is also place to park a car in the yard (value 50 a month if rented). The house is 550K plus probably 30K for a lawyer, taxes, etc. This is an OK price, it will be probably sold at this price. Obviously no electricity, no maintenance, no garbage, no water, etc. in the buying price.
I feel I'm better off renting. How exactly would I calculate how much better off I'm renting than buying a comparable house?