From this reference (
"Distribution Income. Income distributed from a Roth IRA is exempt from tax if it is exempt
from federal income tax. If a Roth IRA distribution is subject to federal tax because it was not
a qualified distribution, it is also subject to state and city taxes. In this Memorandum, these
taxable income distributions will be referred to as distribution income."
And since I found an answer for you, I'll assert my right to deliver a little advice: I hope this is an absolute last resort. Your retirement accounts should be left to grow and compound until you're ready to retire. Withdrawing from them will set you *way* back. I'd look for better options.
Edit: Just found your thread on your special circumstances - so my generic advice on withdrawing from your IRA may not be so on point. I'd still recommend saving your Roth space if you can. It's a lot easier to get money out of it than in.