I really dislike debt, so I have been mulling over options with our rental property. It's not an ideal rental because of a big yard with a fair amount of work to take care of it, but it is very close to our house, and it's the right size and location to rent quickly. The rental rate keeps the riffraff out, but it's not so high that it stays empty, so it stays rented and makes a little money. If we were to sell it and buckle down on our home loan, we could be debt free in 3 to 4 years, and then we'd be FI. But, long term, keeping the rental is a better financial decision. With the advantage of leverage, our return on equity is higher than we could expect from average stock market returns.
So, if we're going to keep it, I'm wondering about the refinancing to maximize cash flow. We may be able to drop our interest rate, reset the thirty year clock, and drop our monthly payment by $200 or so. That with a rent increase to match the market would take us from cash flow neutral (still making money because of the principal each month + the tax break at year-end) to cash flow positive in the range of $400 a month. And, assuming rents continue to rise in the future, that number gets bigger.
Has anyone else thought through this? What was your conclusion?
Another question... With a rental, are we better off keeping the mortgage as high as possible relative to the property's value, even if that means refinancing periodically? (Assuming interest rates stay low, of course...) Through refinancing, we could extract equity to purchase additional rental properties, right?
I'd appreciate the forum's thoughts. Thanks!