I'm a 25 year old recent law school grad with a job lined up at one of the "Big Law" law firms in NYC. I definitely don't want to do this forever, maybe not for long at all - but the money is good and it's a good jumping off point for whatever career I end up having.
I've seen some "Mustache me" posts here, so here goes:
25 years old, single, biggest expenses will be student loan/rent/food
I have a loan of $100k for law school at 0% interest (my great uncle loaned me the money, so it's better than the usual loan because I don't need to pay interest) - will need to pay back $1k/month.
Rent: $1k/month (living with family in NYC in a pretty good neighborhood, 40 minute walk to work, I wouldn't find a better rent situation anywhere else)
Food/entertainment: No idea what this will cost per month, realistically. Unfortunately most of my friends view eating out at restaurants as the only method of acceptable socialization, although I'm trying to change that it is typical for NYC, so I'll probably have a few restaurant meals each month but I try to keep it under $30 a person. I rarely drink so that helps. I have Celiacs and I tend to eat a lot of fresh produce, fish, meat etc so my grocery bill could be lower. I'd estimate spending $500/month on groceries and $100/month on restaurants. I don't know how, I just started using Mint to track it though, so that's $600/month, or $7,200/year which makes me want to slash it right away when I see the final tally.
Transport: I won't have to pay for transport other than a MetroCard which I refill probably once a month with $20. If I leave work after 8 or 9pm they'll pay for the ride home. $240 metrocard/year plus occasional cab ride, say 1x every other month at $15 is $330/year.
Clothing: I don't buy much anymore since I have a ton of clothes for work and play. I do need new running shoes every few months. I probably spend $300/year on running stuff.
Races: I spend $500/year on race registrations. I'm going to cut back next year, but I plan to run the NYC marathon which is $250 alone.
Beauty: I don't really wear makeup except chapstick. I get 2-3 pedicures per year at $30 each including tip, and one haircut, but otherwise I have a friend who's pretty good at cutting in a straight line ;) so the total for the year is probably $130.
Medical: On parents' insurance for one more year, pay my own co-pays so 1 doctor/2 dentist/1 specialist visit per year.
Salary: $160k/year
Current savings: $30k ($11k in a Roth IRA which I won't be able to do after this year, the rest is mostly in a regular Vanguard VTSMX account)
The job starts in two weeks, and I'm determined to save as much as I can from the start. I'm not sure how much my monthly expenses will be, but I know I will have $1k in rent, a loan payment of $1k/month, and then everything else. Being really conservative and saying I'll blow another $1k on food/running stuff/transport etc, that's $3k expenses per month or $36k per year.
If $160k in salary comes out to around $100k after federal/state/local taxes, I see myself as being able to save $64k per year, or more. (1) Is that crazy? (2) At that rate, how long would it take for me to reach FI?