My take home is $974 Bi-Weekly
- $219 to 401k with $70 employer match
-$175 for family health insurance w/5k deductible
-$125 to HSA
My wifes take home varies but is normally around $1350 Bi-Weekly
-$120 to 401k with $45 employer match
Current Expenses:
We built a new home with 75k cash, but financed the rest using cc's which I was moved over to a home equity 70k. The payment is $210 if I wanted but that's interest only at 4%. My payment is setup for $210 is the min i can pay, but i can pay what i want. I thought this was good for now while i really try hard to pay off the CC and other debt , then i can concentrate on hammering the home loan.
My car is paid off and only has 50k miles
Wife car is a lease at $275 per month - about 1.5yrs remaining
Only Credit card is at $9500 at 21.9%
Local hospital bills $8k at 0% - payment plan is $200 a month.
Car insurance is $500 every 6months.
Food and other living is $1k per month - this equates to gas, food, entertainment, clothes, lunches for kids, etc
Electric bill is roughly $100 monthly
Property taxes $1500
Homeowners $400 annually
Cell is $90 monthly
Netflix is $9 monthly
Water is $0 - well
Sewer is $0 - Septic
My commute to work is 80miles round trip per day.
I have roughly $20k in 401k i contribute 13% - my employer will give 4% if i give 5%
Wife has roughly $10k in 401k
No other real savings as ive used them and our emergency fund to pay off recent debts and to get rid of some monthly payments.
Question: Im in my early 40's and we have made some mistakes along the waybut we still have dreams of ER. I have two boys at home still so they cost
more money than most think.
We do not plan to go into debt to help them through college. We own a
camp free and clear and the goal is to someday live at the camp during the summers and live out west in a small RV in the winter. Considering selling the house to pay for the rv when the time comes.
My goal is to really hit the CC HARD from now until spring and have it paid off.
I recently picked up a side job that will pay me 2k in the next 6 week and im
going to put that squarely on the cc to go along with i hope 1k a month or more until its paid off.
Folks i know we are very much behind where we should be and we have made some silly foolish mistake but we are ready to put our best foot forward and grow a mustache. I would appreciate any advice you could offer.
Thanks for this site and all the helpful