Author Topic: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?  (Read 48920 times)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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I’m very curious about all you other Mustachians.  Being a disciple of MMM means being a little, well, odd.  But in a good way!  We’re the ones bagging our lunch to work instead of going out to eat every day.  We’re that dude who shows up on a bicycle.   Our friends’ eyes pop out of their heads every time we say, “Let’s walk there instead of driving.”  We change our own oil and mow our own lawns.  We’d never, ever buy a $40,000 automobile. 

I bet there are a lot of other surprising characteristics and similarities that a bunch of us share.  I can glean some of this from reading posts, but wanted to get it all consolidated into a survey.  Some of the things that make you different might be shared by a surprising number of the forum readers.

My survey question for this thread is:  besides Mustachianism, what other things do you do, what other things are you into, and what other things do you avoid, that also make you stand out from the crowd of normalcy? 

A few possible examples… Do we as a group weigh heavily towards having a lot of Survivalists?  Doomsday Preppers?  Urban Farmers?  Hippies?  Libertarians?  Health Nuts?  Paleos?  Homesteaders?  Ultramarathoners?  Fruitarians?  Do you avoid certain things, like plastics, sugars, artificial sweeteners, meat, non-organic food, fake food, fast food, bread or grains?  Are you covered in tribal tattoos, facial hair, and piercings?  Do you not own a TV, microwave, or cell phone?  Have you spent a considerable amount of time thinking about what you would do in the event of a pandemic?  Would you consider a 1-room cabin an ideal home? 

And does your unique/weird/odd/bizzare personal trait help, or hinder, your Mustachian efforts to retire early?
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 01:11:52 PM by AgentCooper »


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2015, 11:54:54 AM »
I've never owned a cellphone or an apple device (although my wife has an iPad that I occasionally use).  Some people think that this is weird.

Vertical Mode

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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2015, 12:41:42 PM »
This is an interesting thread topic, I'll play along.

-Musical taste: I listen to pretty much everything, but there is A LOT of it that has no lyrics. This is a holdover from late night digital rendering sessions at the design studio in college, as it's great to not have any lyrical input to derail your train of thought. Lots of psytrance, among other things (hence my username, Vertical Mode), but also a fair amount of ambient stuff and world music. This probably makes me weird.

-I also have an interest in Urban Exploration (UrbEx for short). The oft-forgotten bones of our civilization are just fascinating to me. It's sort of like that scene from The Matrix: Revolutions where Neo and the Senator are down on the Engineering level. The explorer in me wonders at the fact that there are literally hundreds of miles of largely unmapped tunnels under the city of Paris...

Not that I would advocate doing any of this, especially in a post-9/11 world where people might be quick to assume you might have malicious intent if you were found, but this video captures some of the passion of it all:

In response to the last prompt, these probably have little to no effect on FIRE, except that they allow me to keep my sanity and continue to deliver for The Corporation in the short run.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2015, 12:50:30 PM »
Hm.  I don't have cable, and don't really watch TV other than movies we stream. 


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2015, 12:59:37 PM »
Ooh I like this idea. I look forward to the diversity of answers that might pop up.
I think I'm "weird" because I'm split between a couple different sub-groups in weird ways. As in, depending on what context you meet me, you might expect I drive a prius, or you might expect me to be a super conservative christian... both of these are quite incorrect.

Let's see. I'm a hippy:
No plastics
No antibacterial soap (except at work- I'm a nurse)
No "artificial" body products- no phlatates or parabens
Until I moved to The City, I grew a lot of my own food organically, including raising and butchering my own meat (this could be counted as country, I guess)
I eat "paleo-ish" (more primal, I do fermented dairy) and avoid most grains
Shop at farmer's markets
Make many of my own cleaning products
I'm an athiest
I use reusable grocery bags and sewed my own produce bags
I (used to) bring and fill glass mason jars from the bulk section  (note--> where we moved, our grocery store doesn't have any bulk)
I avoid driving, and have walked for every grocery trip for 3 years now
I have converted many a friend to the menstrual cup ;)

But I'm also country:
I drive a truck
I hunt and fish
Grew up relatively rural
I have a concealed carry permit, and I carry often
Summer job growing up involved driving a tractor to harvest rye and stacking the bales in our and our neighbor's barn
I have helped deliver the babies of numerous farm animals
I am firmly pro-vaccination
Registered republican, although I regret that the last few year... much more libertarian or even (GASP) democrat leaning now.

And not sure where this one fits, but I'm a woman and I do olympic lifting, which people seem to think is weird.

As far as just plain ol' weird? I like doing laundry =P


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2015, 01:02:50 PM »
I've been vegan for 20 year, and vegetarian for my entire life. My partner has also been vegetarian for their entire life. In America, people find this really, really weird. In India, not so much.

I've never owned a car (I suspect that's normal for many people here, though). I've only driven once since I got my license at 19, ironically to carry kegs for a bike event.

As a child I used to dress only in historical clothing I sewed.


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2015, 01:05:36 PM »
I am a hippy.  I am going to buy a pot farm and live there when I save up enough $$.  All I want to do is sit around and play music and grow plants. 


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2015, 01:06:39 PM »
Ooh I like this idea. I look forward to the diversity of answers that might pop up.
I think I'm "weird" because I'm split between a couple different sub-groups in weird ways. As in, depending on what context you meet me, you might expect I drive a prius, or you might expect me to be a super conservative christian... both of these are quite incorrect.

Let's see. I'm a hippy:
No plastics
No antibacterial soap (except at work- I'm a nurse)
No "artificial" body products- no phlatates or parabens
Until I moved to The City, I grew a lot of my own food organically, including raising and butchering my own meat (this could be counted as country, I guess)
I eat "paleo-ish" (more primal, I do fermented dairy) and avoid most grains
Shop at farmer's markets
Make many of my own cleaning products
I'm an athiest
I use reusable grocery bags and sewed my own produce bags
I (used to) bring and fill glass mason jars from the bulk section  (note--> where we moved, our grocery store doesn't have any bulk)
I avoid driving, and have walked for every grocery trip for 3 years now
I have converted many a friend to the menstrual cup ;)

But I'm also country:
I drive a truck
I hunt and fish
Grew up relatively rural
I have a concealed carry permit, and I carry often
Summer job growing up involved driving a tractor to harvest rye and stacking the bales in our and our neighbor's barn
I have helped deliver the babies of numerous farm animals
I am firmly pro-vaccination
Registered republican, although I regret that the last few year... much more libertarian or even (GASP) democrat leaning now.

And not sure where this one fits, but I'm a woman and I do olympic lifting, which people seem to think is weird.

As far as just plain ol' weird? I like doing laundry =P

Scarily similar to me...minus the menstrual cup :) lol

i got a little of a lot of the traits in your OP...which is the Libertarian in me i suppose. Self-sufficiency interests me. Part hippie, prepper, wanna be gardener, handyman, big time introvert. I kind of consider myself odd....the gun toting small government guy who is kind of anti-war with social/environmental leanings towards the left.

- I'd prefer organic everything for food, although i have  stopped doing that recently.
- I honestly do not recall the last piece of clothing i bought for myself...i seriously think it was a pair of wool socks last christmas....1 pair of socks in almost 12 months.
- I don't eat out/go out much...but i do drink quite a bit.
- Being a homebody is cheap...wanting to be a semi-health nut is not.
- I have expensive interests that i can't fully dive into due to their prohibitive costs....woodworking, golf, guns.
- Grew up fishing, have lost that in my life and want it back


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2015, 01:08:05 PM »
Mostly the lack of pants...


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2015, 01:10:50 PM »
No real need/urge for society on a social level. 

I am fairly content talking with my wife and family.  Neighbors are alright to drink with every now and then, but overall, bunch of morons.

I find that people bitch and moan about themselves and their problems far too much for me too care conversing with them.  It is astonishing the amount of husbands who refuse to "hang out" socially with their wives, it has to be an all boys thing.  I don't understand why they got married if they can't stand their company... 

The only thing worse is the neighborhood "Jones" who showboats about redoing his bathroom in a house he just purchased 12 months ago.  Complete jackass.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 01:14:10 PM by Easye418 »

teen persuasion

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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2015, 01:15:45 PM »
Oh, fun thread!

I'm different in lots and lots of ways.  I like OLD things, not new and shiny (and likely plastic) - we have a house from the 1840s, filled with secondhand things.
 I prefer to do things the hard way, by hand, just because (knead dough, knit socks, make mozzarella cheese for pizza, line dry clothes). 
I prefer hand tools over power tools, too.
I'm not interested  in status symbols - expensive cars, designer clothes, jewelry.
Not terribly interested in makeup, coloring my hair, doing my nails.
Dislike restaurant dining, drinking, most common "entertainment" stuff (amusement parks, pro sports, etc.).
I'm a math nerd - figuring out problems is fun, so taxes and financial aid optimization are interesting to me.


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2015, 01:19:05 PM »
I know how to ride a unicycle and sing in the operatic style. I can do both simultaneously, if asked nicely.


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2015, 01:27:00 PM »
We're completely normal, why do you ask? (Bwahaha!)


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2015, 01:29:18 PM »
Fun! Cable-less, mobile-plan-less, low-ish carb, paleo-ish, atheist, childfree, freelancing/small business-owning, non-stylish, natural hair-colored, non-makeuped, walking/public transportation-ing, frugal, minimalist-ish, liberal arts/STEM combo-ing, smallish-home-loving renter here. As for the help or hinder question: All but the eating habits help the FIRE goals. (Grains are crazy frugal; they just don't work well for me.)
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 01:39:54 PM by ShaneD »


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2015, 01:34:50 PM »
Threads where you ask people to talk about themselves always get a big response.  I bet most people who post here won't even read the previous posts, in their hurry to talk rather than listen.

I know how to ride a unicycle

I am also an accomplished unicyclist.  And juggler.  While I have been paid for these skills in the past, I have never considered either one to be a profession or viable long-term income source, so I posit no impact on my financial life.


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2015, 01:36:32 PM »
I think baseball is an extremely boring sport but somehow got invited and convinced (with free beer, and a free ticket, and free food) after saying no 3 times to go to a Giants game. Just so happened to be Matt Cain's perfect game. That is now my excuse when people ask me to go "Nope, already been to a perfect game, can't top that" :)


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2015, 01:45:49 PM »
Fun! Cable-less, mobile-plan-less, low-ish carb, paleo-ish, atheist, childfree, freelancing/small business-owning, non-stylish, natural hair-colored, non-makeuped, walking/public transportation-ing, frugal, minimalist-ish, liberal arts/STEM combo-ing, smallish-home-loving renter here. As for the help or hinder question: All but the eating habits help the FIRE goals. (Grains are crazy frugal; they just don't work well for me.)

I'm with you on the food expense, but I still loved the term Pigeon came up with in the tithing thread:

I find a lot of things that people say are "non-negotiable" in their budgets to be baffling.  "We have hair on fire debt and are in danger of being homeless, but a 100% organic paleo diet rich in unicorn and phoenix meat is non-negotiable."


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2015, 02:06:12 PM »
Mostly the lack of pants...

Ah, a fellow cyclist!

Pants are not for us, my friend.  Our shapely thighs and ass simply waste away hidden behind those poorly designed collections of fabric.


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2015, 02:07:19 PM »
Fun! Cable-less, mobile-plan-less, low-ish carb, paleo-ish, atheist, childfree, freelancing/small business-owning, non-stylish, natural hair-colored, non-makeuped, walking/public transportation-ing, frugal, minimalist-ish, liberal arts/STEM combo-ing, smallish-home-loving renter here. As for the help or hinder question: All but the eating habits help the FIRE goals. (Grains are crazy frugal; they just don't work well for me.)

I'm with you on the food expense, but I still loved the term Pigeon came up with in the tithing thread:

I find a lot of things that people say are "non-negotiable" in their budgets to be baffling.  "We have hair on fire debt and are in danger of being homeless, but a 100% organic paleo diet rich in unicorn and phoenix meat is non-negotiable."

HAHAHA, love it!

[Now where to find organic, locally grown, sustainable phoenix meat... *rubs hands together*]


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2015, 02:21:10 PM »
I would admit to a few "quirks"..

I'm an engineer (I am FI, RE'd sort of) and probably on the high functioning end of the Autism spectrum. I have learned over a 30 year career how to become a very effective manager. people used to confuse me.. But I love them now even if sometimes I have to get passed myself to the light of the party..:)

I have built two airplanes.. the last one cruised at about 200mph and was equipped to fly in clouds... It also cost close to $100,000, but sold for the same.
I am an instrument rated pilot
My Wife and I doubled the sized of our house with our bare hands
I can weld, spray paint cars (and airplanes), do bodywork etc.
I can fix almost anything, especially if it saves money.
I love power tools naturally.
I have never sent a car to a mechanic or hired any trades person (except wheel alignments and to pour the concrete foundation to the house extension).
I love numbers.. If I can calculate something about almost anything I will.
Life is full of sub optimized systems and devices and are rich sources of entertainment to make them better... This is why I have always optimized spending.. max value for the least amount of outlay.
My powers of concentration are legendary. Sometimes I can go days without food or hygiene when there is a problem to be worked on..:)
Don't have cable.
Pretty much despise watching sports.
No kids
I have over-saved and find it very difficult to spend money.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 03:11:32 PM by Exflyboy »


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2015, 02:28:38 PM »
Already the responses here are fun!

Asexual menstrual cup user who doesn't cook meat and is experimenting with not eating refined sugar at all. Between us my gf and I have 3 cats.
I read hundreds and hundreds of thousands of words of fanfic a year, and write a fair bit too. ;)
I'm on book 14 of the 21-long book Aubreyad series by Patrick O'Brian (Damnit I wanted to finish by January. Unlikely to happen.)
I'm attempting to paint a series of queer fairy tail retellings.
I don't clean enough.
Half of my socks were knitted by my mother.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2015, 02:32:58 PM »
Well I don't think I'm weird:) but these are things that get me looks from my mainstream friends sometimes...

Vegan for 4 years, vegetarian my whole life
Anti-plastic water bottle.  Seriously, how hard is it to keep a reusable around??
No plastic in the microwave or freezer (wide mouth masons are great for freezing)
I hate packaging, and will sometimes pay a little more for products with less packaging
If I go to the store and don't have a bag with me I often just carry items out.  This seems to really confuse the cashiers
I bring my own containers to fill at the bulk section of grocery store
I like to can, freeze, dehydrate my own food
I belong to a CSA (community supported agriculture)
I make my own laundry detergent and household cleaners
I only shampoo my hair once a week
I get my hair cut once every year or two
I hate perfumes or highly scented products
We haven't had cable or any TV channels in a VERY long time
I never seem to have my cell phone on me and charged, so it can be days before I respond to a text
I like foreign music and films
The kids and I get almost all of our clothes from thrift stores
My biggest weakness is a used book sale
I've only had 2 auto loans in my life and they were both paid off in less than a year
I keep the upstairs temp at 55 in the winter

« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 02:59:55 PM by keepitsimple »


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2015, 02:51:36 PM »
Threads where you ask people to talk about themselves always get a big response.  I bet most people who post here won't even read the previous posts, in their hurry to talk rather than listen.

I know how to ride a unicycle

I am also an accomplished unicyclist.  And juggler.  While I have been paid for these skills in the past, I have never considered either one to be a profession or viable long-term income source, so I posit no impact on my financial life.

I read the responses before I replied. I think having uncommon hobbies likely makes me more willing to be outside-of-the-box in other ways, including with money. Since my interests already put me somewhat outside of the norm, I am open to whatever ideas strike me as interesting, with fewer cares about how I am perceived. And I have things outside of work that are interesting and enrich my life, so I work to live/save/invest and definitely don't live to work. Is that a better answer? :)


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2015, 02:55:26 PM »
I find most popular ways of socializing really unappealing. Things like going to restaurants or bars, drinking in general, partying, and most large group things. I much prefer hosting dinner parties or organizing a small group hike or bike ride somewhere beautiful.

I've been a vegan for almost 17 years, but oddly enough that's not considered to strange anymore. It definitely used to be weird before it became trendy in the last couple of years.

Lifelong childfree person as well.

I don't wear makeup or use any kinds of beauty things. I just couldn't be bothered. Apparently I was supposed to grow out of that as a teenager and start caring about my appearance enough to start doing more than comb my hair. Never happened.


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #24 on: November 17, 2015, 02:59:19 PM »
Childfree, athiest, crossfitter who has 0 career ambition and would be completely happy spending my days eating, drinking, exercising, playing video games, watching tv/movies, and spending time with my wife. Voted for McCain in 2008, Gary Johnson in 2012, and pulling for Bernie in 2016.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 03:41:26 PM by Philociraptor »

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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #25 on: November 17, 2015, 03:00:07 PM »
I enjoy music and sports, but not nearly as much as many people.  Maybe call it passive enjoyment? I probably couldn't tell you the lyrics to more than a few songs or the names of a few athletes.


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #26 on: November 17, 2015, 03:19:30 PM »
Ooh I like this idea. I look forward to the diversity of answers that might pop up.
I think I'm "weird" because I'm split between a couple different sub-groups in weird ways. As in, depending on what context you meet me, you might expect I drive a prius, or you might expect me to be a super conservative christian... both of these are quite incorrect.

Scarily similar to me...minus the menstrual cup :) lol

i got a little of a lot of the traits in your OP...which is the Libertarian in me i suppose. Self-sufficiency interests me. Part hippie, prepper, wanna be gardener, handyman, big time introvert. I kind of consider myself odd....the gun toting small government guy who is kind of anti-war with social/environmental leanings towards the left.

I'm weird in the same way: I agree with the entire Bill of Rights, including not only the 1st (which the Republicans disregard) or the 2nd (which the Democrats hate), but also the 9th and 10th (which the entire Federal government has completely ignored since at least the Civil War, if not earlier).

Moreover, I'm not convinced that's actually weird. I suspect people like us are actually a majority of Americans; it's just that the two halves of the authoritarian party have colluded with the media to use wedge issues to force us to choose sides, resulting in a whole bunch of people who think they're "liberal" or "conservative" but who actually only agree with 51% of the "liberal" or "conservative" party's platform, respectively.

Other ways that I'm weird:
  • I'm an unusual combination of two kinds of engineer (civil and software), and thus one of the very few "software engineers" that's actually on-track for a PE license.
  • I'm introverted and a huge nerd, yet also politically active (at the local level)
  • Most people drive to get places, and sometimes cycle for recreation. I race cars (if autocross counts as racing) as a hobby, but ride my bike to work and other "utility cycling" trips.
  • As a child, I enjoyed watching home-improvement and cooking shows on TV more than cartoons or sitcoms.
  • I couldn't care less about professional or college sports in general, and football in particular.
  • I refuse to use Facebook and other social media because it's evil (I care about privacy).


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #27 on: November 17, 2015, 03:19:55 PM »
I dunno.  I am open-minded but have a hard time keeping my mouth shut, which is why I am drawn to forums in general as an outlet so I don't upset people around me in real life.  I enjoy a good debate.  I am fairly flexible on where I live, what I do, etc.  People seem to be impressed that I can fit into random social settings, but I feel like I am pretty normal.  I am comfortable with and enjoy new physical, geographical, and social experiences, but I am also content to stay at home and enjoy being by myself when I have the luxury.

Life is good.

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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #28 on: November 17, 2015, 03:33:47 PM »
I would admit to a few "quirks"..
I have over-saved and find it very difficult to spend money.

I can help you with that problem...


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #29 on: November 17, 2015, 03:58:33 PM »
Enjoying the posts, which remind me that people who are different from me are just like me. Being mustachian helps me to get away with weirdness, I find... there's more wiggle room for swimming against the popular current (is that a mixed metaphor?).

*no soap or shampoo, for the past four years
*never had a driver's license, rarely drove
*spent my 20s playing guitar in a vaguely punk band, lived on $400 a month
*pretty nerdy, but not a fan of much contemporary nerd culture (comix, fantasy, sci-fi)
*used to live in a store


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #30 on: November 17, 2015, 04:01:00 PM »
Fun thread idea--thanks. I live in ND and don't have AC and use heat in winter to keep the house at 50 degrees max. Only seems to bother my kombucha. I am an ultrarunner and gravel grinder, vegan, fermenter, scavenger, dumpster-diver, dirtbag. I like rubbing whiskers with my cat. Give me a desert sky or northern lights over city lights any day of the week. I love bats and dragonflies. I am single and have no offspring and want to stay that way.

Because I haven't accomplished barefoot running and since I put so many miles on the bike, neither sport is great for the wallet but I justify the shoes and tubes and stuff as mental and physical health expenses. Everything else seems to work good in the simple frugal life.


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #31 on: November 17, 2015, 04:14:35 PM »
I dunno.  I am open-minded but have a hard time keeping my mouth shut, which is why I am drawn to forums in general as an outlet so I don't upset people around me in real life.  I enjoy a good debate.  I am fairly flexible on where I live, what I do, etc.  People seem to be impressed that I can fit into random social settings, but I feel like I am pretty normal.  I am comfortable with and enjoy new physical, geographical, and social experiences, but I am also content to stay at home and enjoy being by myself when I have the luxury.

Life is good.

OMG I could write this about myself word for word. Now I don't have to.


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #32 on: November 17, 2015, 04:16:32 PM »
low-carber (though not terribly strict)
I worked for a company that made cell phones, but was never really intereted in cell phones.  (I got my first smart phone when my 10 year old brick died a few months back)
I worked for a cable company but don't have cable TV.
Linux/unix guy going back to about SunOS4.0
My wife has bred into me a love of old stoves
Child free


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #33 on: November 17, 2015, 04:16:45 PM »
Well first, I'm an engineer (and female)
I was in the military (which is weird for  my area of California)
I don't wear makeup.  Okay, maybe 2x a year.
I'm definitely a health nut, normal in CA, maybe not so much elsewhere.
Hobbies: I like crafts, like quilting, crocheting, knitting (when I have time!)
We do not have cable TV
We do not eat out very often.
My husband likes to build stuff, like furniture.
I'm into frugal cooking, and have a frugal food blog, which my friends think is weird. (That at times I've calculated the cost per serving).
I hate shopping
Liberal tree hugger but not anti-gun


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #34 on: November 17, 2015, 04:29:25 PM »
I firmly believe that Bluegrass music is the best music.  Probably lots of other things too, but people find this to be the weirdest thing.

I also have literally no idea what I'm going to do when I FIRE.  And it doesn't really bother me.  People around here find that strange as well.


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #35 on: November 17, 2015, 04:41:51 PM »
I drive race cars..


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #36 on: November 17, 2015, 04:44:42 PM »
This should have American in the title because so much of this is cultural. It's weird for me to see so many people in this thread highlight that being atheist is weird. Nearly all of my friends and acquaintances are atheist/non religious. I can only think of 3 or 4 people I know who regularly go to church.

I line dry clothes and have never owned a dryer, but again so does everyone else I know (I have one friend who has a dryer).

In terms of what makes me weird in my social circles, meta cognition is my favourite thing. I always want to know why something is the way it is. I'm very much aware of cultural and moral relativism.


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #37 on: November 17, 2015, 05:04:46 PM »
This should have American in the title because so much of this is cultural. It's weird for me to see so many people in this thread highlight that being atheist is weird. Nearly all of my friends and acquaintances are atheist/non religious. I can only think of 3 or 4 people I know who regularly go to church.

I line dry clothes and have never owned a dryer, but again so does everyone else I know (I have one friend who has a dryer).

In terms of what makes me weird in my social circles, meta cognition is my favourite thing. I always want to know why something is the way it is. I'm very much aware of cultural and moral relativism.

The vast majority of my social circle is also non-religious. I don't feel that it's weird, though there are certainly parts of the country where it might be.


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #38 on: November 17, 2015, 05:21:28 PM »
This should have American in the title because so much of this is cultural. It's weird for me to see so many people in this thread highlight that being atheist is weird. Nearly all of my friends and acquaintances are atheist/non religious. I can only think of 3 or 4 people I know who regularly go to church.

I line dry clothes and have never owned a dryer, but again so does everyone else I know (I have one friend who has a dryer).

In terms of what makes me weird in my social circles, meta cognition is my favourite thing. I always want to know why something is the way it is. I'm very much aware of cultural and moral relativism.

The vast majority of my social circle is also non-religious. I don't feel that it's weird, though there are certainly parts of the country where it might be.

The vast majority of my social circle is non-religious, too.  Where I live: That's REALLY weird.  Around here, there is a church on every corner and when a new person meets you you get "Hi, my name is John.  Where do you go to church?"


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #39 on: November 17, 2015, 05:29:27 PM »
This should have American in the title because so much of this is cultural. It's weird for me to see so many people in this thread highlight that being atheist is weird. Nearly all of my friends and acquaintances are atheist/non religious. I can only think of 3 or 4 people I know who regularly go to church.

I line dry clothes and have never owned a dryer, but again so does everyone else I know (I have one friend who has a dryer).

In terms of what makes me weird in my social circles, meta cognition is my favourite thing. I always want to know why something is the way it is. I'm very much aware of cultural and moral relativism.

The vast majority of my social circle is also non-religious. I don't feel that it's weird, though there are certainly parts of the country where it might be.

The vast majority of my social circle is non-religious, too.  Where I live: That's REALLY weird.  Around here, there is a church on every corner and when a new person meets you you get "Hi, my name is John.  Where do you go to church?"

I have a non-religious friend who's hobby/passion is cars/driving...on Sunday morning, it's not unusual to see a social media post of her fun car out on a beautiful road somewhere with a comment like 'Church was wonderful this morning.'  :D


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #40 on: November 17, 2015, 05:33:51 PM »

I'm into frugal cooking, and have a frugal food blog, which my friends think is weird. (That at times I've calculated the cost per serving).

Can you share the blog site please?!

cpa cat

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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #41 on: November 17, 2015, 05:38:53 PM »
It's hard for me to judge. This forum confuses my ideas of normalcy.

Is it really that weird not to have cable? Not in this thread full of weirdos!

I thought it was weird that I don't like watching sports... but then all you people came along and admitted it, too.

Being Pescatarian is a little weird, but so many vegans and vegetarians frequent this forum, that throwing fish into the mix doesn't seem so strange!

I -love- doing tax returns. I have many kindred spirits here, though.

My husband I play in a weekly tabletop roleplaying game (Dungeons and Dragons, etc). That might be weird!

We also play video games, but it's hard for me to detect weirdness there, because so does almost everyone else I know.

But I still use soap - so that feels normal.

Edited to add: I know! I know! My yard/garden is a registered Monarch Waystation.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 05:41:54 PM by Cpa Cat »


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #42 on: November 17, 2015, 05:56:27 PM »
* Prefer used over new in most cases. The vast majority of our furniture was thrifted or picked up on the side of the road. (Mattress and couch were bought new, because bedbugs.)
* We have backyard chickens.
* I guerrilla garden unsupervised wedges of land in our neighborhood.
* I forage public spaces for purslane and other edibles.
* I’m an atheist, DH is spiritual. We have a mediation practice.
* #zerowastehome has been a personal goal since I read Bea’s book, although DH probably wouldn’t even know this is a thing that is happening.
* We don’t follow sports.
* I abhor the shopping mall, DH abhors driving in general and paying to park in particular.
* I don’t color my gray hair.
* I own one lipstick.
* I own one pair of jeans.
* I don’t like wearing shoes.
* Menstrual cup.
* Roast green coffee beans at home.
* I believe the Kumon math program is awesome for kids.
* We have 4,000+ used children’s books in our home library.
* I have a constellation of food allergies including wheat, eggs, cow’s milk, yeast, chocolate, green bell peppers, trout and about 25 other things. I also have eczema, but no asthma, therefore presenting as an incomplete allergic triad.
* I think astrology is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of.


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #43 on: November 17, 2015, 05:58:50 PM »
I have five strange things in my apartment that apparently nobody has ever seen before, based on people's reactions.

1. A bed that folds into the wall when I want to vacuum, and makes living in a small space so much easier
2. A neon pink cat stroller for grocery shopping and trips to Costco
3. A framed surgical report of my tubal ligation
4. An indoor drying rack that can fold out into a bunch of different sizes and configurations depending what I'm drying
5. A worm bin

Every one of them has earned me at least a few "Holy shit!"s. I also get to use "I feed it to my worms" in everyday conversation.


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #44 on: November 17, 2015, 06:06:54 PM »
I firmly believe that Bluegrass music is the best music.  Probably lots of other things too, but people find this to be the weirdest thing.

I also have literally no idea what I'm going to do when I FIRE.  And it doesn't really bother me.  People around here find that strange as well.


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #45 on: November 17, 2015, 06:24:07 PM »
4. An indoor drying rack that can fold out into a bunch of different sizes and configurations depending what I'm drying

Please share. I've yet to meet a drying rack I didn't hate. (I've got 2 hated ones right now.) A configurable one is like the Holy Grail to me.

And I love Murphy Beds! We've actually been in search of a good Murphy table forever.


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #46 on: November 17, 2015, 06:25:03 PM »
This should have American in the title because so much of this is cultural. It's weird for me to see so many people in this thread highlight that being atheist is weird. Nearly all of my friends and acquaintances are atheist/non religious. I can only think of 3 or 4 people I know who regularly go to church.

I line dry clothes and have never owned a dryer, but again so does everyone else I know (I have one friend who has a dryer).

In terms of what makes me weird in my social circles, meta cognition is my favourite thing. I always want to know why something is the way it is. I'm very much aware of cultural and moral relativism.

The vast majority of my social circle is also non-religious. I don't feel that it's weird, though there are certainly parts of the country where it might be.

The vast majority of my social circle is non-religious, too.  Where I live: That's REALLY weird.  Around here, there is a church on every corner and when a new person meets you you get "Hi, my name is John.  Where do you go to church?"

I would not be able to cope living somewhere like that. Or if I did, it would be by saying very inappropriate and sarcastic things about religion to people who said stuff like that to me. I imagine it would be a very stifling place to live if one was not devoutly religious.


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #47 on: November 17, 2015, 06:28:39 PM »
4. An indoor drying rack that can fold out into a bunch of different sizes and configurations depending what I'm drying

Please share. I've yet to meet a drying rack I didn't hate. (I've got 2 hated ones right now.) A configurable one is like the Holy Grail to me.

And I love Murphy Beds! We've actually been in search of a good Murphy table forever.
Seconding all of this. Please share your secrets! :D


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #48 on: November 17, 2015, 06:39:51 PM »
*warning* most of these are from my pre-Mustachian days and have sort of been 'inherited' as old baggage more or less:

- I try to see if there's a way to fix something even if I may not necessarily be able to fix it (my success rate isn't great here)
- I got into building a kit guitar and quit. I also had G.A.S. (Guitar Acquisition Syndrome) for a period of time. Currently own 3 higher-end boutique guitars (Goodall, Collings and Bourgeois).
- I love fishing and own a lot of gear. Have slimmed down a good amount but still have more to go.
- I'm a semi-hoarder and it's not uncommon for me to be tempted to buy in bulk when there's a good deal.
- Our garage is full of Amazon and other shipping boxes from many past purchases.
- I frequent Fatwallet and Slickdeals, although now that I've gained a Mustachian perspective, I've gotten much better about not buying the first hot deal I see LOL.
- I enjoy cooking, except for when I screw up (I posted not too long ago about some rubbery chicken breast I cooked.... blech)
- I have a newt (not even sure what species but I think it's a fire bellied newt) as a pet. His two hind legs are disabled from previous poor care.
- There are probably a ton more things I could share but I'll stop...


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Re: Quick survey: What else is weird about you, other than Mustachianism?
« Reply #49 on: November 17, 2015, 07:12:31 PM »
This should have American in the title because so much of this is cultural. It's weird for me to see so many people in this thread highlight that being atheist is weird. Nearly all of my friends and acquaintances are atheist/non religious. I can only think of 3 or 4 people I know who regularly go to church.

I line dry clothes and have never owned a dryer, but again so does everyone else I know (I have one friend who has a dryer).

In terms of what makes me weird in my social circles, meta cognition is my favourite thing. I always want to know why something is the way it is. I'm very much aware of cultural and moral relativism.

The vast majority of my social circle is also non-religious. I don't feel that it's weird, though there are certainly parts of the country where it might be.

The vast majority of my social circle is non-religious, too.  Where I live: That's REALLY weird.  Around here, there is a church on every corner and when a new person meets you you get "Hi, my name is John.  Where do you go to church?"

I would not be able to cope living somewhere like that. Or if I did, it would be by saying very inappropriate and sarcastic things about religion to people who said stuff like that to me. I imagine it would be a very stifling place to live if one was not devoutly religious.

Growing up, all I wanted to do was get out.  I left ASAP and was gone for 20ish years.  Aging families brought us back.  I definitely went through phases of very inappropriate/sarcastic things and I still fall back in to it, though I have really tried to just let it go more lately.  I must admit that the place has mellowed A LOT since my childhood -- though is still pretty darn religious.