Let me preface this with I much prefer Fidelity's website and customer service to Vanguard's. I changed my email address at least 10 times on Vanguard's site and it won't accept the changes each time I go back, then it tells me to update it again and again. I have tried calling but hard to get through and nothing seems to take. I also tried to reset my pin with Vanguard and it took several weeks. If I just call up Fidelity everything is taken care of quickly.
Okay, so I have an old 401k from my former law firm with Fidelity. I had about 100k in there but with the market lately, it's down to the 95k's. Overall, I am pretty pleased with its performance. The funds in there are: 4.40% FCNKX FID CONTRAFUND K, 19.81% LLSCX LONGLEAF SMALL CAP, 16.88% OAKIX OAKMARK INTL I, .21% OIGIX OPPHMR INTL GROWTH I, 52% VINIX VANGUARD INST INDEX
I have another old 401k that is with Vanguard that has about $7500 in it. Funds are: Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Institutional Plus Shares 54.3%, Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Institutional Plus Shares 35.4%, Vanguard Total Bond Market II Index Fund** 7.2%, Vanguard Total International Bond Index Fund Institutional Shares 3.1%
The next one has $2800 and with JPM (don't know the funds bc I can't log in ! So frustrating)
My new 401k is with Schwab and there are some choices that I need to review. Can't change this one though but I plan to max out this year and going forward.
So my question is, which ones do I move, if any, and where do I move them? Do I move everything into a Fidelity or Vanguard IRA? Do I keep them where they are?
Another question in my mind is whether since the market is low, if it is a bad idea to move any money right now, (i.e. selling at a low?)