Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. The car is my SO's and she needs it for her long-ass commute to Binghamton, but I'm responsible for paying the loan on it. My parents are helping me out by donating $100/mo to the loan payments, which in effect makes it a $99 rather than $199 payment. I try not to use the car if I can, and next semester my wife's job will be 3 days rather than 5 days a week. We hate being car owners, but it's a necessary evil right now.
Parents are also helping with semesterly $8,250, 5.84% loans, which has been a monumental help in my first semester. The next tranche of loan payouts will go towards my CC debt after paying for school fees and tuition.
My personal income, complete with part-time job, is about $1,900 per month, pre-tax, and my wife is making another $3,300. The really sickening part of my debt is that, if we had come into grad school without any loans, we wouldn't need loans now with that kind of income. On top of my debt, she has her own student debt that she's paying down. figuring out how to dig out while at school, or if we can dig out, is a big reason we're going to do a case study. The math makes sense, but our lives seem to defy mathematical logic, so we need some help.