I'd like to get informed now, as there is a good chance I will be switching jobs in the next couple months, at which point I will have roughly $50,000 in my 403(b). I am curious as to how best handle that money. This is how I believe the options are best ranked in my situation.
(A) - rollover to IRA. I have been contributing to my Roth IRA for 9 years and already maxed it out for 2017. I could rollover into that Roth account, but I would be better off having my 403(b) rolled over to a Traditional IRA so as to avoid the taxes, right? My big question here is since I've already maxed my Roth for 2017, is it possible to open a traditional through Vanguard and have my first 'contribution' be this rollover?
(B) - if I can't do option (A), leave the fund alone until Jan 1, 2018, at which point I could initiate the rollover into the Traditional IRA (that is, if my former employer is ok with this).
(C) - rollover to my new company's 401(k)/403(b)
What is the best route to take? Any other options that I did not include?