I may have to move permanently due to poor health.
Coming from LCOL in South.
Are there any LCOL near Colorado springs tbat you could rent.
May have to retire there due to Heath.
Health: There are still allergy issues out here, not sure what you are having, but if you mean things like pollen, it's still here, just slightly less
LCOL in South: MUCH more expensive here - my family is still in GA and they are constantly shocked at prices here - and visa versa. Houses out there are half the cost of comparable ones out here. Gas is a bit cheaper there, sometimes, groceries are comparable, utilities are comparableish, but a bit more here...
Near the Springs, you would have to go south, north is more expensive. If you are renting though, will you have a car? Public transit isn't great out here (better than ATL though!) Consider going to the more remote locations for cheaper living - outside of the "Front Range" area (that's the I-25 area).
Also, it's FREEZING COLD (literally) here most of the winter. I really hate that part of it and driving scares me as people here have no concept of snow and ice and caution attached to them. I keep my house fairly warm (and pay for it) and I still shake sometimes. But blankets, sweaters, hats, gloves... all your friends.
Consider going to TX for lower cost of living and better weather.