
Drive home or eat out if you forget your lunch?

Drive home
11 (29.7%)
Treat yo self (eat out)
26 (70.3%)

Total Members Voted: 37

Author Topic: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?  (Read 3199 times)


  • Stubble
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Have you ever forgotten to bring your lunch to work? Which is the more mustachian option? Answer generally in the poll but feel free to give a different answer with my added details below.

Applicable to me
Drive home and eat lunch - 10.5 miles one way, dog at home to cuddle
Eat out - I work in an area with slightly higher priced eateries but tons of variety

The past couple of weeks I've been so busy that I either forget my lunch or don't have time to make it. I've been driving home, which take <15 minutes and spending some quality time with my dog while I make/eat my lunch. It's really nice being at home in the middle of the day. I've also been taking longer than my allotted 1 hour lunch because of the travel time... But I feel guilty about the added pollution and extended lunch break. I also worry one day I will fall asleep on my couch and forget to go back to work (This almost happened last Friday...).  What would be the better option? (By the way, not eating is NOT an option. I need food to sustain me.)


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2019, 05:12:45 PM »
I would eat out , mark it in Mint as "Idiot Tax", and immediately come up with a new system to make sure it didn't happen again. And if there was a system failure again, keep coming up with new ones until something worked.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2019, 05:13:08 PM »
I would stash some non perishable snacks at my desk that can be made into lunch: oatmeal, nuts, etc. Maybe bring in a few pieces of fruit at the beginning of the week. I also keep eggs and a bag of frozen spinach in the fridge/freezer at work. It is for making breakfast but if I forget my lunch—have a second breakfast for lunch!

Getting home is time consuming and also around $10 round trip (public transit). I can find a lunch (not necessarily high quality) near my office for a bit less than that.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2019, 05:16:13 PM »
Eat out somewhere relatively cheap, and then make a simple sandwich for supper.

Keep supplies on hand at work for future lunch emergencies.  I would do crackers and tunafish, or peanutbutter.


  • Stubble
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2019, 05:23:15 PM »
I would stash some non perishable snacks at my desk that can be made into lunch: oatmeal, nuts, etc. Maybe bring in a few pieces of fruit at the beginning of the week. I also keep eggs and a bag of frozen spinach in the fridge/freezer at work. It is for making breakfast but if I forget my lunch—have a second breakfast for lunch!

Getting home is time consuming and also around $10 round trip (public transit). I can find a lunch (not necessarily high quality) near my office for a bit less than that.

Eat out somewhere relatively cheap, and then make a simple sandwich for supper.

Keep supplies on hand at work for future lunch emergencies.  I would do crackers and tunafish, or peanutbutter.

Yup, I've got the stash of $1 top ramen. Unfortunately during busy weeks is when you're craving yummy food from a restaurant. I should force myself to eat the ramen more.


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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2019, 05:25:33 PM »

I keep backup lunches at work.


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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2019, 05:35:31 PM »

Suffer through the day so you never do it again.

(Although, like Malkynn I've started keeping backup food at my desk to avoid this scenario.)


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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2019, 05:42:06 PM »
Get a sandwich out, or keep some emergency supplies in your desk, eat your forgotten lunch for dinner - or take it in the next day.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2019, 05:48:13 PM »
Yup, I've got the stash of $1 top ramen. Unfortunately during busy weeks is when you're craving yummy food from a restaurant. I should force myself to eat the ramen more.

Do you have access to a fridge/freezer/microwave at work? If you can bring in a week's worth of cooked food on Monday, it would be easier to resist restaurant food than staring at the packet of ramen.

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  • Bristles
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2019, 05:59:12 PM »
I've only forgotten my lunch about 5 times in the past 12 years and I've probably only eaten out once. I keep a jar of frozen soup and a couple of slices of left over pizza in the freezer at work so there's no danger of having to go out to eat.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2019, 06:00:35 PM »
Put some oatmeal and protein powder in your desk.

When you make dinner at night, make enough for lunch the next day. That way you won’t have to make something in the morning.

It’s not just the cost of eating out.. It’s usually the health that goes along with most options. (Prepare for everyone that eat’s “healthy” at restaurants)


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2019, 06:04:52 PM »
Neither. Let one afternoon of hunger be the lesson that prevents you from repeating this mistake. This is what I have done and it has worked for me (I never forget to bring lunches anymore).


  • Senior Mustachian
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2019, 06:13:19 PM »
I would stash some non perishable snacks at my desk that can be made into lunch: oatmeal, nuts, etc. Maybe bring in a few pieces of fruit at the beginning of the week. I also keep eggs and a bag of frozen spinach in the fridge/freezer at work. It is for making breakfast but if I forget my lunch—have a second breakfast for lunch!

Getting home is time consuming and also around $10 round trip (public transit). I can find a lunch (not necessarily high quality) near my office for a bit less than that.

Eat out somewhere relatively cheap, and then make a simple sandwich for supper.

Keep supplies on hand at work for future lunch emergencies.  I would do crackers and tunafish, or peanutbutter.

Yup, I've got the stash of $1 top ramen. Unfortunately during busy weeks is when you're craving yummy food from a restaurant. I should force myself to eat the ramen more.

...or have better options than $1 ramen??

If you have access to a freezer, your options are endless, but hell, even a decent soup will do in a pinch.
I also keep a packet of VegaOne on hand, which is tremendously filling.

crazy jane

  • Bristles
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2019, 06:18:15 PM »
Is there a grocery store nearby? Go there and buy some bread and peanut butter. Keep leftovers in fridge and freezer for next time.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2019, 06:23:33 PM »
Yeah, it really doesn't matter how you deal with today's lunch. What matters is getting a robust system in place, so that you're not caught short, having to improvise when you're tired and hungry. It's better to say "oh, I screwed up -- how can I not screw up next time?" than to put a lot of energy into figuring out which bad temporary fix is slightly less bad. Who cares? Get something to eat and figure out how you're going to make sure it doesn't happen again.

"Forgetting" repeatedly isn't "forgetting" -- it's sabotaging yourself.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #15 on: July 15, 2019, 07:12:46 PM »
Neither - no lunch that day and next time you'll remember.
I've done that several times back when it just wasn't in my budget to go out and eat.

Half the time I had a back-up lunch in the work fridge so no biggie. I did go out to eat with my colleagues once every two weeks but if I'd already had my lunch so to speak I just couldn't afford to do it again.

I've never worked anywhere that was close enough for me to be able to go home for lunch in my entire working career.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #16 on: July 15, 2019, 07:25:50 PM »
I would eat at the restaurant that in the same building as the company I work for, which isn't anything special, so I wouldn't call it "treating myself".  The drive home would be about 20 minutes of wasted time and gas.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #17 on: July 15, 2019, 07:40:26 PM »
Eat out the first time.  Then bring a few non-perishable meals to keep in my desk.  The next time I would go without if I hadn't follow up on bringing in lunches.  The first screw-up is free but after that, it should hurt a little!


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2019, 08:30:13 PM »
How often does this happen? We make my wife's lunch the night before when we're preparing dinner. Sometimes she plans to eat out, but I think she has literally never forgotten to bring her lunch. I work from home, so I don't have to remember :-)


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2019, 10:09:48 PM »
I forget my lunch about twice a year, and eat out (well, technically at my work's cafeteria). My commute is a similar distance but it's all through town, so it takes a lot longer than 15 minutes.

If I were forgetting my lunch on a regular basis, I agree with PPs that I would stash non-perishables.


  • Stubble
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2019, 10:48:38 PM »
 need a third option - fast - saves money & good for your health to miss a few meals here and there.


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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #22 on: July 16, 2019, 01:05:03 AM »
Driving back home for lunch is not an option for me. So, I'd choose eating out. However, when such a situation happens, I simply buy something in the nearest supermarket. It saves me money on eating out.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #23 on: July 16, 2019, 01:14:14 AM »
Isn't there a supermarket nearby (or at least closer than the 10.5 miles home) where you could pick up something?

Right now it just sounds like you want an excuse to cuddle your dog or an excuse to eat out. Both are pretty stupid (as in, cuddling your dog ain't stupid, forgetting your lunch to do so is)


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #24 on: July 16, 2019, 04:20:38 AM »
Skip lunch. Have a glass of water and a coffee. Being hungry once in a while is good for you. Pick up some almonds to keep at your desk. I keep PB&J at my office just for that situation - bread optional.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #25 on: July 16, 2019, 05:56:03 AM »
I would probably go to the local grocery store and grab a rotisserie chicken. Cheaper than eating out and it will last for more than one meal.

Also, a lot of my coworkers have snacks. Worst case, I could scavenger up some food and then replace it the next day/week. One of my coworkers practically has a grocery store at his desk.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #26 on: July 16, 2019, 06:43:45 AM »
yesterday was a monday for sure - forgot my lunch, and forgot all cash/credit cards as well! Only had 2 bananas for breakfast, and I was super hungry!

I was able to scrap $1.08 from the bottom of the purse pockets, and buy 3 ears of corn at a grocery store.

Any grocery stores near your work? Maybe at least closer than home is?


  • Stubble
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #27 on: July 16, 2019, 06:54:56 AM »
Eat grass outside the office and not-so quietly whimper in my cubicle with grass stains on my knees. Drink water out of hands in bathroom.

Just kidding. I'd get a Sub In A Tub from Jersey Mikes. Club Supreme - Extra Bacon!

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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #28 on: July 16, 2019, 08:30:32 AM »
Buy some shelf stable microwaveable pouch stuff and keep it at work. There are rice pilafs, lots of ethnic food - channa masala etc. Its flavorful enough to keep your eyes from wandering, and just slightly shameful enough to remind you to bring your food.

I get paged in to work sometimes at odd hours when the cafeteria isn't open. If I didn't have pouch food I'd starve...


  • Stubble
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #29 on: July 16, 2019, 08:52:43 AM »
On Mondays I bring ALL of my weeks’ lunches and snacks with me and keep them in he fridge. My work has generous unused fridge space so I’m not being a jerk about it.  Sometimes I can batch cook enough protein I can take two weeks worth of protein to work and freeze half at work.

My lunches are very simple too so only take a half hour to cook and prep at home in Sunday’s  - then at work I take the pre-prepared protein like a chicken breast tender or hamburger patty, then I tear up some broccoli and microwave that all.  Then I have some fruit and/or sardines as a snack if still hungry.

And on Mon (Or any day I need to remember food) I put my keys in the fridge on top of the food - you can’t leave without it!


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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #30 on: July 16, 2019, 10:46:29 AM »
Depends.  You know, it's such a habit for me to pack lunch when I wake up that I cannot imagine forgetting it.  However, sometimes I pack too much and leave the rest in the fridge.

I would prob never do the 10 mile lunch commute.  I hate driving, and that's my commute.  My kids are in camp this summer, and rather than do the mid-day 10 mile each way to pick up, I work from home in the am.

Because I very rarely eat out at all, I would possibly go out for lunch and treat myself, depending on my schedule.  My work days are packed, though. 

So most likely, I would go to the grocery store.  Forget the salad or hot bar, or buying a fresh sandwich from the deli.  I would buy actual food that I could eat at home and eat that.  I can't eat wheat, so ramen, frozen burritos, and pre-made sandwiches are out.  I'd probably buy some fruit, maybe some cheese or meat or yogurt, and a vegetable of some sort.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #31 on: July 16, 2019, 11:11:41 AM »
I'd "eat out" at the grocery store.  Buy a gallon of milk, a tub of oatmeal, cinnamon, and a jar of peanut butter and that's lunch all week for less than ten bucks.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #32 on: July 16, 2019, 11:13:55 AM »
When I worked full time, I would bring lunch for the week on Monday and stash it in the frig. I walked with a work friend at lunch and then ate at my desk while I worked. It was wonderful when my boyfriend brought me a free bag of home-grown oranges for the week!


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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #33 on: July 16, 2019, 11:18:11 AM »
I'm not usually an old school MMM facepuncher, but I feel compelled to offer up a good smack for not eating your $1 ramen. If you are truly hungry it will taste good.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #34 on: July 16, 2019, 11:41:23 AM »
On Mondays I bring ALL of my weeks’ lunches and snacks with me and keep them in he fridge. My work has generous unused fridge space so I’m not being a jerk about it.  Sometimes I can batch cook enough protein I can take two weeks worth of protein to work and freeze half at work.

My lunches are very simple too so only take a half hour to cook and prep at home in Sunday’s  - then at work I take the pre-prepared protein like a chicken breast tender or hamburger patty, then I tear up some broccoli and microwave that all.  Then I have some fruit and/or sardines as a snack if still hungry.

And on Mon (Or any day I need to remember food) I put my keys in the fridge on top of the food - you can’t leave without it!

I did the key thing at work once when I didn't want to forget to bring my food home. Someone turned my keys into security.


  • Stubble
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #35 on: July 16, 2019, 12:34:02 PM »
Thanks for all the responses. I was more curious to see what the community's thoughts/habits were than looking for actual advice but I will still put all the good tips into use.

How often do I forget my lunch you say? Well I started this post yesterday and forgot my lunch today, ha. (I didn't eat out either day by way :D ). I would 100% say I am an accidental self-sabatoger but I don't purposefully try and forget my lunch. I can just get lazy, distracted, etc, excuses

I have come to accept that I am not a perfect mustachian and I definitely go through cyclical frugality. I appreciate the feedback though and will do a better job at stocking my supplies. I usually keep frozen meals and ramen for emergencies.  I don't work exceptionally close to a grocery store (~4 miles) but I definitely use to stock up once a month just on lunches.

I have been enjoying my time at home but need to put a stop to it because of the added gas cost and pollution.


  • Stubble
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #36 on: July 16, 2019, 12:46:05 PM »
Also for the folks suggesting to skip a meal. I 100% understand the advice but it just doesn't fit for me.

I don't eat breakfast except for a banana or a low cal yogurt every now and then. I exercise 4-5 times a weeks (hopefully that means high metabolism). And I wake up at 5:30 to start work at 7 and usually have to be out in the field running around. That means by the time lunch rolls around I am ravenous. I am also a sucker for hot or fresh food. Seriously, food is in my top 5 things I love most.

Could I start waking up earlier to make a lunch or eat breakfast? Not realistically. Could I skip lunch sometimes? Sure. I'll be cranky though and likely end up gorging when I get home plus I don't really want to skip meals. Do I need to implement more safety nets? Absolutely!


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #37 on: July 16, 2019, 02:59:54 PM »
How often do I forget my lunch you say? Well I started this post yesterday and forgot my lunch today, ha. (I didn't eat out either day by way :D ). I would 100% say I am an accidental self-sabatoger but I don't purposefully try and forget my lunch. I can just get lazy, distracted, etc, excuses

I think you just subconsciously want to see your dog.

Blue Skies

  • Stubble
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Re: Poll - Drive home or eat out when I forget to bring my lunch?
« Reply #38 on: July 16, 2019, 04:50:56 PM »
My office actually has a little pantry that is stocked with cheap snacks and lunch food (cans of soup, frozen microwave meals).  They donate the money they make from it.  So, if I forgot lunch I would go buy a cheap lunch from the work pantry.  I would not even consider driving back home.  I wouldn't want to go back to work again!

If the pantry didn't exist, I would likely keep something in my desk just in case.  Cans of soup keep forever.