So if all goes well, I'll be an in a few weeks.Oone of many things that drew me to the field is the option to earn a healthy income on a part time basis.
However, many I've met claim that you 'cant' work more than 20 hours a week, or you burn out. And it just flat out makes no sense to me. What makes it so different from other physically demanding jobs? I do understand that I need to practice self care and factor in admin time, but people in demanding jobs often work 40+ hours a week.
Does anyone have any insight as to where this attitude comes from, and if I should expect to work so few hours?
The current plan is to scale up to 24 hours at one location, then start working for myself 2 days a week (higher pay per appointment. Harder to build a client base, and then as I succeed there to scale back on the original location until I hit a desirable savings rate)