I need recommendations for photo/file storage, ideally offsite. AKA: I am a parent, and have... a lot... of pictures of my kid (soon to be kids). These matter to me in a way that a lot of physical items don't, and if my house burned down they'd be what would matter to me, so having everything backed up on a hard drive isn't necessarily the best.
I'd like a recommendation for cloud-based storage. I currently use Dropbox but would need to pay for enough storage space to actually back up our wedding/newborn/kid photos, and was wondering if there was a better/cheaper/different option that people here would recommend.
I'd ALSO like this to be secure enough that I could store important documents (say, scanned insurance information for our homeowner's insurance, which seems handy if something happens to the house it's in...), so... any suggestions?
To be clear: I'm willing to throw a few dollars a month at a reasonable solution that provides peace of mind. I'm not willing to throw lots of money, complicated 'solutions', or lots of work at it. I need something that backs up what I need backed up so that I know it will remain accessible even if something happens to our computer, basically.
Suggestions? Mustachians tend to lean towards the tech-oriented and finance-oriented, I figure you guys have gotta have something decent to suggest... ;)