Hey guys,
Just started reading MMM a few weeks ago and have tried implementing as many ideas as possible to start growing the stache. My wife and I have paid off $15k in debt over the past 2 weeks. $10k was from Sallie Mae loans ($5k at 6.8% and $5k at 5.12%) and remaining was to pay off the wife's car ($5k at 7.9%....yeesh I know). It feels great to chip away at our debt and gain a better understanding of where our $$$ is going through tracking purchases through Mint.com and trying to be more frugal.
I'm now wondering if we should pay off the remaining student loans in full or start investing while still aggressively paying off the loans. Here's some additional info and overview of debt, expenses, income, and investments:
Remaining student loans: $16,000 ($8k at 5.12% & $8k at 2.39%)
Income: $6,000 after taxes (put 10% in 401k & 10% in stock purchase plan)
Rent: $1440/mo
Student loan minimums: $350/mo
Life insurance: $118/mo (parents set up whole life insurance some time ago and took over payments last year)
Car insurance: $95/mo (2009 Camry that was just paid off and 2004 jetta)
Gym: $105/mo (total for both wife and I)
Utilities: $50/mo
Gas: $275/mo (live in Chicago and commute 34 mile round trip); wife work 2 miles from work & bikes
Food/dining out: $500/mo
Investments: we're both 28 yrs old
401k: $70,000
Stock: $28,000 (all tied up in company stock)
Roth IRA: $7500 (haven't contributed in 3yrs)
Cash:$20,000 (sitting in bank earning nothing)
So....we were house hunting just 3 months ago and had $35,000 (part of downpayment) sitting in Chase. Thank goodness I discovered MMM! After reading through the majority of blog posts we decided it would be best to attack the debt so we could start accumulating more wealth before considering purchasing home.
Do we just pay off the remaining $8k at 5.12% and continue with minimums on the $8k at 2.39%? Or do we start investing in a Vanguard index fund then just pay off the student loans over the course of next 2 years?
I know we still have plenty of improvements (find cheaper rent, cancel cable, change life insurance to term or eliminate altogether, switch car insurance, cheaper gym, shorten commute or bike 1/2 week, and work on food budget) to make to optimize our financial situation, but wanted to see if we were headed in right direction. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!