I take reviews on sites like Glassdoor with a grain of salt. First, keep in mind people who are happy or OK tend to not care enough to spend time to post this. The grumblers are the ones who have the desire to vent, and so they post. I started a new job six months ago at a place that also had a lot of negative reviews and is HUGE like you say your new place is. What I have found is what I thought I would. People who want a "dream job" have not figured out that is a fantasy. Every job has crap that sucks. Welcome to life. Instead of letting is make you miserable, realize this is adulthood and move on. Good coworkers, reasonable expectations and being able to control if you do a good job versus being blamed for things you cannot control are what I tend to look for.
Regarding how did I make the choice to move, I'm in a different season of life, so not sure how relevant this is to you. I made my way up the corporate ladder and got to the point where I felt the view was not worth the price. The stress, the politics and the competition for others who want the top jobs just wore on me. Not needing as high an income as I had helped a lot. Took a 40% paycut and am many times happier than I was for the last 15 years. I've already been talked about in the new (online negative place) in a very positive light and they are asking if I want more responsibility. I've politely declined and reminded them why I came here. I do an excellent job and knock it out of the park in a job I can do without much strain and I can go home with no worry and that is priceless. I'm not hearing those issues in your situation, and you appear to still want to climb the ladder to a higher level, so as I said, not sure how relevant my situation is to yours, but sharing because you asked. Hope it helps you in some way.