My pregnant brain is having a hard time calculating this out… need some help thinking through numbers.
At my last job, the last record I have (2018) I was making 80k base salary with a bonus of $4,500. Full time, so I had all benefits. I think I got a decent raise in 2019, but I don’t remember what my leaving salary was when I left at the end of 2019.
Im now working part time at a different company but same basic job. $45/hr for 20 hrs per week so I do not get benefits. But I’m not a contractor, so I do get company laptop, IT support, etc. I wfh, even sans pandemic, so I do have to provide my own office space.
Im debating going back to full time after baby 2 is here, in part to pay for the exorbitantly expensive childcare for an infant. It may not be worth it (because then we have to pay childcare full time vs part time, however it’s nigh upon impossible to find part time infant care here anyways). But I’m trying to get a full picture of what it would look like financially if we did that. And I’m having a hard time finding a good calculator for this. Most just do $/hr * hrs worked, but don’t include the benefits vs no benefits calculation, so I have no idea how to calculate what I’m “worth” for salary.