Author Topic: Broken arm + crystal deodorant  (Read 5433 times)


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Broken arm + crystal deodorant
« on: October 24, 2015, 11:19:10 PM »
So I broke my arm recently, and I have a brace on my upper arm that extends up to my armpit, with a cloth sleeve underneath that peeks out from the brace a bit. I am reluctant to use regular deodorant because I don't want the cloth sleeve to get gunked up. However, I don't want to go without deodorant, for obvious reasons.

I think I've heard that crystal deodorant is a Mustachian thing, because it's cheaper than regular deodorant. I don't much care about the cost at the moment; I just want to know if it works and if it's likely to keep the cloth sleeve from getting dirty.

I'd like to hear other Mustachians' experiences with crystal deodorant and if y'all think it might work in my situation. Maybe I will love it and it will save me $$ even after my arm heals.



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Re: Broken arm + crystal deodorant
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2015, 11:44:06 PM »
My wife uses crystal deodorant, and it works well. The only catch, and it may be in the instructions, is that it really only works after you're clean. So, you can't put it on a dirty, smelly body to cover up any odors. It lasts the day like normal, but you'll need to shower again the next morning, then reapply. FWIW, she's had the same "crystal" for about six months now.


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Re: Broken arm + crystal deodorant
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2015, 05:46:38 AM »
Works for me, but I'm not super smelly. My h didn't like it.


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Re: Broken arm + crystal deodorant
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2015, 10:40:14 AM »
I wasn't crazy about it.  It's a deodorant, not an anti-perspirant, so I still got wet and sticky, I just didn't smell.  I didn't really want to be wet and sticky either. 


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Re: Broken arm + crystal deodorant
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2015, 01:17:00 PM »
You must try baking soda. I'm using it, and it leaves no smell at all. Although I'm living in a hot country, where we do sweat a lot, it decreases one's perspiration and you can go all day without regular deodorant.
Sometimes I use both (baking soda+deodorant) just because the deodorant has good perfum.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2015, 01:19:22 PM by bauhauss »


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Re: Broken arm + crystal deodorant
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2015, 01:31:44 PM »
I use it. I find it to be pretty effective. I agree with Knappytime that you have to be clean in order for it to work, and it has to be reapplied every day. And I am not that smelly of a person.

My take is that it is about as effective as your average deodorant. For me, it was slightly less effective than the stick deodorant I was using, but I was using the clinical strength deodorant.

For days when I really am going to sweat it up, I use both the crystal and a homemade deodorant made with coconut oil and baking soda.

My crystal is lasting me forever. It has been over a year and a half and it still has quite a bit of life in it. I have this guy:


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Re: Broken arm + crystal deodorant
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2015, 01:39:32 PM »
I use it.   It works for me.   Although (a) I don't think I'm super stinky, (b) as others have said, it doesn't stop sweat itself, just BO, and (c) I have noticed that I will sometimes catch a slight whiff of maybe stinkiness if I wear synthetic shirts.   Never happens with natural fibers, so I just got rid of my last few synthetic.

Also, note not to leave it on a granite or stone counter, b/c you get it wet, the salty water will stain stone counters.   I keep mine on a little dish.


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Re: Broken arm + crystal deodorant
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2015, 01:58:53 PM »
I've been using the same one for several years.  It's getting small enough that it's a little tough to hold, but it still works.  I unscrewed the crystal from the holder it came in and just store it on a votif candle holder.

I use it in the morning before biking 9 miles to my bus, and don't think I stink.  Obviously I sweat, but apparently not enough to wash it away. 


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Re: Broken arm + crystal deodorant
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2015, 04:00:12 PM »
I use it.   It works for me.   Although (a) I don't think I'm super stinky, (b) as others have said, it doesn't stop sweat itself, just BO, and (c) I have noticed that I will sometimes catch a slight whiff of maybe stinkiness if I wear synthetic shirts.   Never happens with natural fibers, so I just got rid of my last few synthetic.

Also, note not to leave it on a granite or stone counter, b/c you get it wet, the salty water will stain stone counters.   I keep mine on a little dish.
For me, the synthetic fabrics stinks a problem too, even with deodorant it gets some slight odor, BUT, with baking soda it doesn't happens.


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Re: Broken arm + crystal deodorant
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2015, 04:26:29 PM »
Not to hijack, but how do you apply baking soda?


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Re: Broken arm + crystal deodorant
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2015, 05:44:31 PM »
Not to hijack, but how do you apply baking soda?

Not a hijack at all - I was wondering the same thing.


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Re: Broken arm + crystal deodorant
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2015, 05:13:11 AM »
I've used both baking soda and the crystal. Baking soda is usually a part of a mixture with deodorant like thickness, just like rubbing a paste on your pits. I am sensitive to baking soda and could never get the ratios to work.  I've used the crystal for two years now - I apply in the morning and evening,  it doesn't correct already stinky pits but as long as you stay in front of the smelly curve it works great. I found it took a few weeks for my pores to get back to normal and I sweat less now than I did with anti perspirant.

For what its worth, after my shoulder sugery (worthless arms for a couple of weeks) crystal would have been much easier than the soda I was using at the time.


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Re: Broken arm + crystal deodorant
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2015, 08:34:13 PM »
I apply it after shower, when the armipits are a little bit wet (not totally wet). Then I just rub it with 2 fingers over the armpits. Done.

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Re: Broken arm + crystal deodorant
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2015, 08:37:49 PM »
Crystal deodorants are great. If one $6 stick doesn't last you at least 5 years, you're doing it wrong. :)


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Re: Broken arm + crystal deodorant
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2015, 09:58:47 PM »
Thanks everyone! I decided it was worth a try and ordered the crystal deodorant from Amazon. Would have preferred to purchase something locally, but of course this is a pretty niche item. We'll see!