With interest rates all but guaranteed to raise, I feel like bonds are one of the riskiest asset classes available right now. I can't bring myself to invest a penny in bonds. I could maybe consider a short term bond fund, but even then, I feel like I'd be better off with a decent dividend paying stock.
Remember that scene in the princess bride where the Dread Pirate Roberts poisons one glass and challenges his opponent to guess which one? His opponent is like, well you wouldn't put it in my glass that's too obvious, but if you put it in your glass, that's too obvious too, and so on...
The price of bonds is like that too. If everyone thinks that interest rates are going to go up in the very near term, why would they wait until the interest rates go up to sell their bonds? The wouldn't, they would sell them now before everyone else does. And if everyone thinks that interest rates are going to go up on bonds tomorrow, why would they buy any bonds today? They will wait until tomorrow. So that interest rate rise that everyone expects is already priced into the bonds! Mostly priced into them, anyway, they were certainly go down some when interest rates rise. But it's not this obvious thing like you think, and the very fact that the whole fucking world thinks interest rates are going to go up in the next year and bonds will tank because of it ought to make us all a little suspicious.