I guess this is a two part info/advice seeking post.
Last year was literally the year from hell, absolutely can’t get worse. All the other annoyances aside (house broken into, etc.) what rocked my world was the death of my beloved husband. After a “surgical error” for a typically “routine” surgery, my husband horribly suffered for four months until the “repair” surgery with another doctor who made another “surgical error” combined with horrible judgment resulted in my husband’s death. He died in September, the love of my life and my whole world. Just gone. I’ve been a mess and horribly depressed. I just can’t get out of the funk and sometimes in a twisted way don’t want to. This ordeal has been a huge mind-blowing thing and I still can’t quite seem to deal with it. I was seeing a counselor for a while in the beginning. She didn’t seem to be helping and at times even made things worse by pointing out stuff to be upset over I hadn’t even thought of. Thanks. So I’ve tried to deal by myself and that’s not working out too well I guess. I usually try to put on a good face for everyone, but the above is what I really feel. So yeah. Part 1.
Part 2 would be the financial advice. After losing DH’s income (about a 60% hit to the household income) I have been able to drastically alter finances and manage on my own. We used to live it up (extremely anti-mustachian) to the point of being in debt despite a 70-80k annual household income. Wish I would’ve seen MMM earlier. Eh, we had fun, so whatever. Good times. But now that I’ve been turned on to MMM and ER/FI I really want that for myself.
The stats: 26yo, Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science
Income: 33k
Rent 725
Car Payment 185 (<3k left on the loan)
Car Insurance 76
Water/Trash 56
Cable/Internet 45
Gas 55
Electric 55
Phone 15
Gas (car) 100 (est. if I stay in town)
Groceries 150
Total: 1462/mo
Savings per paycheck (bi-weekly):
HSA 25
457b 100 (current balance ~4700)
Pension fund 65 (mandatory 5% contribution)
Total: 190 bi/weekly
No other debt. About 5k in the bank as an emergency fund.
So, after all deductions/taxes/savings come out, I get 768 every two weeks (1536/mo). That’s bare minimum expenses, so the little in excess gets eaten up for when I want to go out/ need something random.
I live about 2 miles from work and drive, also driving home for lunch. (I know, facepunch. I have a new little dog who I worry will pee on the floor as I already have occasional issues, plus it’s nice to come home for lunch. And I live in a hot and humid area. Complainy-pants! Downhill to work, big uphill coming home. At least I don’t go out to eat for lunch? :) )
I’ve thought about picking up a side-gig but worry about the crazy self-employment taxes that would probably come out. I would hate to put tons of time into something and not get much out of it, plus a tax headache. No experience with this though, so maybe a good idea?
Benefits to current job are: awesome benefits, nice co-workers, and super stable. I’m cross-training into a data management position that could potentially lead to a nice promotion but the guy has to retire first and he’s said that’s not on his radar in the next 5 years, so who knows how long that might take. Kicking myself for not sucking it up in college and taking the classes to be an engineer. :/
Honestly though, I have nothing tying me to this area anymore and part of me wants to move to run away from everything. Family is about 3hrs away. I’ve thought of moving back in with my mom. She is in a decent growing area with options, but other than my mom (who is awesome) there is tons of family drama up there that I am worried I’d get sucked into. I wouldn’t be opposed to a move. I’ve been looking for a nice potential area but haven’t come up with anything yet. The rational part takes over and says don’t do anything crazy unless you have something else stable set up.
I’m in a paycheck to paycheck/depression pit and something has to change. I don’t want or need any legal advice, but would love any other advice/ideas anyone has. Thanks for taking the time to read and for any comments.