I have read through posts where people share their budgets, and yes they're typically single or newly married, but still seems insane how much we spend despite doing nothing that costs money. We have a 3 year old, 1 year old, both go to daycare (huge fee), and 2 dogs. So here is our breakdown...
Mortgage (15 year)- $1500 w taxes and hoa
Daycare (2 kids)- $1500
Groceries (diapers, wipes, etc. included)- $6-700
Internet + Netflix- $80
Electricity+Utilities- $210 avg
Gas- $75 average
Giving- $100
Auto insurance (Prius and F-150, truck literally only used when absolutely necessary, filled up once maybe every 2 months)- $140
Unexpected- $250 average, between signing our son up for sports classes and things that come up here and there, typically consisting of a need, not a want.
TOTAL- $4555
EARNINGS AFTER TAX (2 full time working teachers plus a rental that brings us $1200/mo, rental is paid off)- $6300
SAVINGS- $1745 or 28%
I am aware of the obvious high payment which is daycare, but my wife is pretty firm on this because she has seen most home care only sitting all day, not actually teaching. This fee WILL eventually dwindle down to either $0 or $300 depending on who can watch our kids before and after school, thus lowering our monthly payments to $3355, allowing us to save 47% of our income. From there, I'm taking all our extra income and putting it towards paying off the house in 6 years or less. Assuming that will give us back an extra $1200 a month, we will be down to $2155 a month spending, saving about 80% of our income. Of course, life will be more expensive by that point w 2 kids eating more and into more sports, so realistically probably saving around 50% a month.
Is this normal for most of you with things like daycare? I guess I see people spending $1500 a month for everything and am baffled that we spend so much. Notice also we spend NOTHING on eating out OR entertainment. We literally do everything for free that we can. I just don't see how no eating out or entertainment gets us so high so fast.