Try to get a card with a chip rather than just a magnetic strip. They are slowly being introduced in the US, they have been around in Europe for years. I am from the UK and go back every summer, on numerous occasions I have been told that they can't accept my card because it doesn't have a chip, I end up having to use my UK card, not the end of the world but if I didn't have that I would have been stuck. If you are going to the main touristy places it shouldn't be an issue, it was only a problem for me off the beaten track but I was surprised at how often it happened.
Apart from that I second Barclays Arrival, I have that and love it! Also, don't forget to get your sales tax back when you leave Europe. This is for any goods, doesn't apply to services. Ask for the sales tax refund form when you purchase the item and then allow a little more time at the airport to claim the money back, they generally put it back on your credit card. In the UK at least I get about 10% back, after those pesky fees. Having written all that as Mustacians we shouldn't be shopping much, should we? Ha ha! Enjoy!