Author Topic: My banker  (Read 4011 times)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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My banker
« on: June 12, 2014, 12:17:06 PM »
So.. here's just a question I'm wondering about:

I worked at a bank for 20 years. I quit and work at a Manufacturing company that is also a customer at the same bank.  My boss, the owner, has banked with this bank for 35 years. Had the same banker the whole time.  a couple weeks ago, This banker (the Vice president and manager of this particular branch) was fired.  We are in a small town, so the word spread pretty fast. Lots of rumors. One I've heard is "they didnt have the same "vision" and the other one was that Pres asked V.P. to do something illegal and he refused.  ....who knows...

The President of the bank (who fired him) has emailed my boss asking for 30 minutes of his time to come out and "ensure that things will not change after "vice president's" departure....  Do you think this is weird? Do you think he owes an explanation? Do you think it's wrong to judge? Do you think that Mr. Vice President should somehow let people know what happened? Do you think it's any of our business at all?? 


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Re: My banker
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2014, 12:32:28 PM »
It would most likely be a violation of employment law to tell random people what happened. This is especially true if there was any "wrongdoings" or something like that.

You could obviously ask, but he may give a canned answer, lie to make himself not look bad, or tell the truth. You really won't know.

At the same time, you should probably see what another bank(er) is offering and see if you can get a better deal or higher level of services without paying additional, or a discount on current services. He is obviously going around to the bank's clients to make sure everyone doesn't jump ship.


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Re: My banker
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2014, 12:33:26 PM »
Do you think this is weird? Do you think he owes an explanation?
I am assuming that you are a big customer for this bank.  If so, this is normal.  They want to make sure you aren't about to leave and go across town to a different bank for all your needs.  Not sure if you are owed an explanation, but they want to keep you happy.
Do you think that Mr. Vice President should somehow let people know what happened?
I don't think it is the responsibility of a fired employee to reach out to previous customers.  The bank will want to be the one to control the message, so the President is the right person to be talking to you about this, not the ex-VP.
Do you think it's any of our business at all??
The real question is whether you still want to work with the bank.  I have nowhere close to enough information to help with that one.  But what is the President's "vision"?

Cheddar Stacker

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Re: My banker
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2014, 12:38:34 PM »
Take the meeting a bring a great poker player with you to get a good read on the President. Tell him/her the poker player is your COO or something if (s)he asks. I agree with rmendpara, you likely will not learn anything concrete, but the presidents' body language will tell you a lot.

And if you need a new banker I know plenty, and I don't think I'm that far from you.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: My banker
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2014, 12:41:40 PM »
Do you think this is weird? Do you think he owes an explanation?
I am assuming that you are a big customer for this bank.  If so, this is normal.  They want to make sure you aren't about to leave and go across town to a different bank for all your needs.  Not sure if you are owed an explanation, but they want to keep you happy.

Agreed... It can be double edged sword when people build long-standing relationships: 1. It's great because it builds loyalty, but 2. you have to make sure that loyalty is as much to the business/organization as it is to the person they have the relationship with.

Cpa Cat

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Re: My banker
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2014, 12:43:12 PM »
Why not contact the former VP and ask him if there's anything you should be concerned about at the bank?

If there is, bank with neither and take your business to a totally different bank.