This is my first post to the MMM forum, but have avidly read the blog and many forum posts.
Mental illness and FI are tricky topics to merge. They are typically siloed from one another - so I give you lots of props for bringing up this heavy topic on the forum. Please seriously consider going to a psychiatrist for evaluation, as they say, knowledge is power! Why put yourself in a position to worry more than you have to? Aside from your health, bipolar disorder - as you are aware - is potentially detrimental to a financial goal. And yes, at worst, an episode can become a health and financial emergency.
I have bipolar disorder, and am a self-sufficient successful 30 year old in San Francisco. The main reason I'm into FI is to protect myself and my family from when things go wrong, which they are bound to do with BPD. Even with proper treatment, and great meds, there are still days I just can't work (ie can't get out of my bed...:(....or vice versa, am so agitated that I can't focus or sleep or work).
Great work on your FI ! FI means you can make mistakes while sick and have bad periods and still come out on the other side a little less worse for the wear. FI makes it easier to forgive yourself; so often there is such guilt once you are feeling more even, when you see what you've gone through and how it's effected other people and your own life. One of my personal strategies is locking my money away in a 401(k) or something that requires lots of paperwork and taxes to take out - which when I'm manic, makes it much harder to touch.
Yes, having your wife work is helpful. And if her job is with a larger employer, if she has to help you, she can use FMLA to support you. Money wise, consider having one joint account with her, and a much smaller fund in your own name. You want to have some independence, but again, prevention and protection are important. Can't stress that enough.
If it turns out you are diagnosed, I recommend a psychiatric advanced directive o
Thanks for reading my 2 cents.