This will probably sound complainypants, but it kind of ticks me off that garbage removal is so damn expensive and there really doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it. Whether we throw away a ton of stuff or just a little, every month the garbage bill is unchanged and (since there is no competition as it is a monopoly) rather pricey (over $50!). This is for a small can and alternating weeks of recycling and yard debris. Does anyone have any ideas on how to reduce this cost? I'd love to be able to throw nothing away and tell Waste Connections to fuck off, but I don't see that as realistic for us. The neighbors on either side of us are either new or non-existent (waiting for new renters) and probably wouldn't be in to a "garbage can share" anyway. Anyhow, like I said, probably nothing that can be done about it, so this is just a post to gripe and moan I guess.