Having had to drive around for work all day for 15 yrs, parallel parking I still find difficult, being in bad neighborhoods and having my car keyed, I just sucked it up after a while and admitted to myself it was stupid to keep replacing the front bumper just because it had a dent or a fender had a scratch.
then I had a detached retina that left me with mostly just seeing outlines of colors. It is totally legal to drive with one eye. But it took getting used to. So driving was hard for a good year. The ding/dent incidences went up. I was still driving for work and planned to drive my inexpensive car until it died. I have a great body work guy and even he said, unless stuff was broken, let's leave the dents and just use touch up paint, i could pay him to do it but he knew I did not want to put more money into this car and planned to keep it til it died.
He goes, "I have some leftover touch up paint for your car, just bring it back when you are done," I was expecting one of those tiny samples you get at the dealer. He had a quart that he kept for me, lol. A friend did the touch ups and frankly they did not look good but I didn't care. Recently, kids were keying in the neighborhood. They got me good, it's large and down to the metal. I suppose I have to touch that up so I don't get rust.
But as long as no major damage is done, it's purely cosmetic, I stopped chastising myself and accepted it as part of doing business. Granted, I am not a car person, so others would probably hate this.