MMM once said in an article that he had a weed wacker power tool but that one day it stopped working. He said he got pissed at it and smashed it right there. He said that since then he was using manual hand trimmers.
i.e. the quote was:
Also, I was trimming the grass with my old inherited corded weed eater. The piece of crap finally gave out and shot broken plastic parts all over the lawn. I smashed it up in rage and threw it into the metal recycling bin, and ALMOST hopped on the bike to head to Home Depot to pick out a new cordless one. Then a bubble appeared over my head and Barney from the Simpsons started calling “Chaaaaalllenge Weeeek!”. So I went to the shed and grabbed the long manual shears instead. I had never tried using these for lawn and weed edging before, but surprise, they are shockingly fast, silent, and I also got a bit of added workout for free! I don’t think I’ll even buy a weed-eater again
I have a large yard, work full time and don't have the time to do the manual hand trimmers thus resort to an electric, rechargeable weed wacker. I am sure someday the time will come that my weed wacker too will stop working, and thus I will have to smash it, hopefully by then I will in FI and I can just take my time doing the weed trimmer by hand like MMM.