As in all things, I would suggest there's at least a third option - a middle-ground path - if not more. Your FI savings has put YOU in charge of your future, and YOU can choose what you want to do next. I usually recommend people seek out the things that Bring Them The Most Happiness. That could be something like travel, DIY home improvement projects, volunteering at the local animal shelter, or as a parent volunteer at their daughter's school, or reading to kids at the local library or Children's Hospital. WHATEVER that is, you'd not likely to discover that while working 40+ hours a week at a wage earning job.
Find that 'something', and focus some time and energy on nourishing that pursuit. Participate in whatever it is... travel, volunteering, pet sitting... whatever. Once you've started, you might then go back, start a new job, and spend one-night-a-week or so focused on the thing that brings you HAPPINESS.
I found myself 'between gigs' for four (4) months last spring, and spent at least half the time pursuing volunteer opportunities helping out a child heart patient, and later assisting my local high-school band by driving their equipment truck cross-country so they could appear in a DC Memorial Day parade. While I was away, I always had wifi access, and was able to keep track of my job search progress, and actively put it ON HOLD. I worked on things that were important TO ME, and allowed me to BE OF USE to other people. That's what brought me the most Happiness last year. Saving, spending less, and generating more income (rentals, etc) can receive too much focus in the world of 'Being Mustachian'. We should keep in mind that frugality, saving, and Financial Independence Through Badassity is a means to an end - the end being living a happier life without having to worry about being a wage slave.
So my option 3 would be:
3) Take some time off - a 'micro-retirement' (between 4 weeks, and 4 months) to get a taste of the post-fire life. Once you have your post-FI bearings, keep that mind-set when you return to work: realize your time is your own; if you want to take time off to travel this summer, just do it - the 'work' will still be there when you return.
Start a Journal here, or a blog, and write about what you discover about YOUR FI.
In any case, all the best, and keep us informed.