My first time posting. So apologies if I am missing standard protocol in some way.
So some context before the question. I save the prescribed amount each month (50%) and I am well diversified across all investment categories (real estate, cash, ETFs (stocks and bonds) and across various channels (401K, Roth IRAs etc.)
My dilemma (of my own making) is that I am fairly certain that the market will crash in the near future (6-12 month horizon) and as a result, I am unsure if I should continue investing. I believe the valuations are too high and given the current geo political situation, a market cave-in is imminent
On the one hand, I could continue investing and tough it out through a crash (as I don't need the money for a decade). On the other hand, I could just sit on a growing pile of cash (in a money market account) and let it lose value (even though it is safe)
I am leaning towards continued investing but I wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions on this issue? Any thoughts? Anyone in a similar dilemma?