OK stashers, here's my dilemma.
We own an apartment style condo, but just found out we got into a co-op townhouse we applied for last year. Our condo is spacious and currently meets our needs well, but it's in a "bad" part of town with crappy schools, and has no yard. We have a 1 year old baby and would love the yard that comes with the co-op. We also have friends in the co-op complex, and it's in a better neighborhood with better schools. Housing is expensive in this region - about $500k for an average post war bungalow in an average neighborhood. We'd love to buy a single family home, but that's out of our reach for at least 5 more years.
Paid $206,000 3 years ago. Worth about $190,000ish now with $170k remaining on the mortgage.
Mortgage - $750/mo
Condo fees (includes heat/water)- $300/mo
Property tax - $90/mo
Condo bylaws restrict us from keeping this place and renting it out.
$2000 share purchase to buy-in
$850/mo plus uilities (no extra prop tax payments)
Similar size - 2 bedroom, with the option to move to a 3 bedroom unit later if needed. Also the yard!
Conventional wisdom seems to dictate that we should keep the condo - "build equity, blah blah bah" - but the co-op will be quite a bit cheaper on a monthly basis, and we can throw the remaining equity cash into investments.
What else should I be thinking of?