It's not as bad as it sounds, because the people I need to get in order respond to a boss above me, too, and she can play the bad guy (that's her job, and she's pissed off anyway). In terms of what I can do, I can have them written up, and then they can be fired if they accumulate three of those in a given time period. But, I don't want to go that route, I hope to actually get some buy-in. If they don't make the changes, they will truly be out of a job after a few years, and they're not young guys who can easily land another job (specialized, licensed skill set, and an oversupply of new graduates). This is all for their good. For me it's a side gig, no big deal if the section goes belly up. (At least in the short term. In the long term, it would have given me some job security, but I can get that other ways.)