Author Topic: Male hair loss  (Read 2783 times)


  • Senior Mustachian
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Re: Male hair loss
« Reply #50 on: January 10, 2024, 01:26:10 PM »
If/when you do cut it all off, I recommend facial hair to go along with it.

My personal theory is that bald men with shaved faces look bad because of mixed signals: baldness indicates age/maturity, while a shaved face indicates youth/boyishness. Pick one or the other and you're good, but the two together just don't work.

Also, hair helps frame your face, and without it on top, you benefit from having more of it on the bottom.


IDK, I think it really depends on the face. It's all about balance of lines.

Men's haircuts tend to try and create more square lines, so when the head is smooth and round, a beard can add more squarish lines instead. But it depends a lot on the bone structure of the face to begin with. Not everyone benefits from more squaring.

That's why so many Hollywood actors have bald heads and no beards, because Hollywood favours men with more square/angular bone structure to begin with.

It's all about balance within the overall composition.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Male hair loss
« Reply #51 on: January 21, 2024, 11:09:32 AM »
Unfortunately your appearance directly impacts your quality of life. People judge you by your appearance; most just learn after high school not to say it to your face. It impacts your earnings, your romantic/work relationships, how friendly people are to you... hell even your lifespan according to this study:,surviving%20in%20a%20competitive%20environment.

Humans are shallow and quick to judge. Most of us are just monkeys in clothes. It just makes sense to optimize your appearance within reason to make our lives easier/more rewarding. I wish our culture was different, but to deny it puts you at a disadvantage.

When I was in my thirties and the hairline was receding, sometimes it would fall the right way after washing it, and  I would have a 'good hair day' and women would actually look at me. On a bad hair day, not.

Or, maybe on a 'good hair day' I exuded more confidence, maybe made eye contact myself, on purpose. In either case, hair loss was a huge deal for me.

I have been using minoxidil since age about 35 and I think it has slowed the hair loss. Now am 69 and the top of the head is getting alarmingly thin, as in seeing scalp when sunlight is on it. Also graying.

I'm thinking about keeping on with the minox, but starting with topical finasteride on the scalp, but hesitant, due to side effects, which I haven't researched yet.

Other options are a 'comb forward' or a shorter haircut made for a balding guy.

And don't forget, some guys look good bald or partly bald. Depends on the face, the head, the hair style, etc.

Michael in ABQ

  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Male hair loss
« Reply #52 on: January 21, 2024, 12:37:58 PM »
If/when you do cut it all off, I recommend facial hair to go along with it.

My personal theory is that bald men with shaved faces look bad because of mixed signals: baldness indicates age/maturity, while a shaved face indicates youth/boyishness. Pick one or the other and you're good, but the two together just don't work.

Also, hair helps frame your face, and without it on top, you benefit from having more of it on the bottom.

My wife prefers when I have a shaved head and a beard.

I've been in the Army for over 20 years so my hair has always been kept short. I have to shave my beard off every month before I have drill but I start growing it back immediately.

Shaving my head all the way to the skin is a hassle so I've only done it a few times. My hairline began receding 10-15 years ago and it's pretty thin on top now. I continue to just get it trimmed to 0-1.5 but I may just invest in a better electric razor and keep it buzzed short all over every few days.


Wow, a phone plan for fifteen bucks!