Some things about auto insurance will change slightly based on your state. Nevertheless, main things that will increase your auto insurance cost are the limits around collision coverage, comprehensive coverage, and your deductibles. Collision coverage fixes your car when you collide with something. Your deductible is how much you pay first before your insurance pays. Comprehensive coverage fixes your car when its damage for all the other stuff outside of collision...damage caused by door dings in parking lots, fire, wind, hail, flood, theft, vandalism and hitting an animal. Stone cracks your windshield on the highway, well you need the glass coverage for that.
If you don’t care about any of that above coverages, then if you drop collision coverage, and comprehensive coverage you basically have what is known as PLPD (personal liability and property damage). That will cover you regarding damage to others, and is effectively the minimum coverage you will have to get to drive legally. You smash your car...too bad, go buy a new one.
Auto insurance is a semi complex topic. There are just a lot of scenarios. End of the day it’s all about insuring risk. If every day you drive your car you are comfortable buying a new one if it’s totaled, then get PLPD. Otherwise consider getting the collision and comprehensive. It’s also not just about your car...if you’re seriously injured and have hospital bills then things get a little more tricky (medical coverage and such). You will have to ask questions about that. Call insurers. At least get quotes from various insurers with various limits a deductibles to see cost difference.