I've had a few over the years. I would recommend getting a cheap one until you know that you are really into it. I used a cheap one from Sears for almost 10yrs before it broke. If Craigslist is a bust, see if there are any used sporting goods stores around. My mom got her bike at one for $25.
If you are in wisconsin, let me know....I have one I'll give you for free.
Close, Iowa... lol :) I'm definitely hoping to get a cheaper one first for this reason. I just had no idea of the price variation on something like this, though I guess I should have expected it.
Do any of you read or watch TV/listen to music while biking? I'm relatively optimistic I will be able to do this.
It's a god decision to start exercising and stationary bikes are really a good source for starting and helps you to maintain your physique. I have been riding this stationary bike which I got from spinning.com and it has been 2 years since I have been riding.
It includes various features like, it tells the RPM, the heart rate, calories burned and this way I am able to figure out how much weight I have lost and this has been helpful to all my family members. All the best for your new year resolution :) Hope it makes you more fit and healthy.
Thanks, I'm glad to hear a success story here.
+1 for a trainer to hook up to the bike you already have. less expensive, smaller, less to break... win all around IMO
although really I'd try and enjoy exercising outdoors in the crappy weather if you can (maybe not necessarily biking), but that's just me. consider it a mild facepunch
Well the only actual bike I have right now is a bike I've had since 6th grade. It works... but is not something which is overly comfortable for this now 25 year old :)
I appreciate the facepunch. My main motivation for getting something which is indoors is maintaining consistency. I want to be able to set a schedule and be able to achieve it every week, without fail. When you live in the midwest, ice/snow wreck those sorts of plans for outdoors. My past experience with exercising is that this sort of inconsistency is detrimental to me actually being able to do something long term.
ie I want to be able to say, 5:00-5:30am Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday I will bike regardless of weather. For a while I suspect this is going to be the only way I can maintain doing anything however. Is it pathetic? Somewhat, probably, but I'm trying to do something which takes that into consideration.
Bike outside.
I suspect if I end up using this as I plan I will buy a better outdoors bike come warmer months.