My sister (she's now 40) worked as a health aide for a few years after graduating high school, then decided to get her associate's nursing degree. She went to work for the State, working three 12 hour days a week, and took side jobs as a private duty nurse. She got unbelievable benefits from the state job, and a really sweet pension. She made a lot more $ on the private duty gigs, but they were unreliable and she couldn't always count on them - ie, a perfect side hustle.
She started her family in her mid 30's and now has three kids. She ended up going part time and doing one day a week on her state job, so she continues earning pension credits, and went back to school full time. She decided to go back for her Bachelors because she wants to be eligible for the nursing management roles, not because of the pay differential. In her market (suburban NYC) the Nursing Bachelors is only necessary if you want to manage.
My advice, take a close look at the contract and see what would happen if you took this job, started your bachelor's degree, and then were offered a state job. Are you required to start the bachelor's program right away or could you defer it for a year? Would you be able to withdraw from the bachelor's program and get a partial refund if you were offered a state job? See if there are other facilities you could work that are more temporary in nature - those might be good options until your state role comes in.