It's not offered through my work and from looking around on the web the only place that I can find to buy it from is Zander Insurance Group. It looks like it'll only cost me ~$130 per year for $2k a month benefit with a 5 year benefit period and a 6 month elimination period. This doesn't seem too expensive and $2k a month would cover all of my expenses. Is this a good idea? I could get a benefit period that lasts until age 65 for ~$170 a year. Of course, I have no idea how accurate their quotes are.
I appreciate any input! :)
Why do you think the only place you can buy it is Zander Insurance Group? Many companies offer long term disability coverage. Contact the companies directly or contact an independent agent. Zander, as I recall, is what is "endorsed" by Dave Ramsey. They aren't the only people out there.
Medical history will figure into the final quote. If you are reasonably healthy, you shouldn't see much, if any deviation from the quotes.
But definitely get a benefit period lasting to 65 or 67. Insurance is meant to cover the huge things that come up that are beyond your resources to deal with. Also, read up on what the terms of coverage mean (own occupation/any occupation being a big one, whether they adiust your benefit if you're eligible for Social Security disability)... and as you look at monthly benefit amounts, consider that a serious disability may involve higher medical bills on a regular basis.
*I worked in the insurance industry for a few years. Mercifully, I escaped. It gets really, really depressing seeing people trying to find "coverage" after the fact... or responsible people who got ill and their employer cuts them loose... and a friend from high school ended up severely disabled.