Some items for you to think about:
- You said there can be lots of break downs, unforeseen expenses with farming. I'd recommend looking at all the costs you have had the past 2 years, divide by 24 and start having a set amount for it. Also will give you the true net income from the farm. These should be numbers you have for tax purposes as well to reduce your taxes on the income. (I've had a farm business in a past career.)
- Plane expenses: Nothing in your budget listed show costs related to the plane (eg: husband's license). Even if it's just a fund for covering upkeep on a 60+ year old plane, it should have a spot in the budget.
- Car maintenance: With a vehicle going on 14 years old, you should have budgeted an amount for repairs or at least a fund for replacing it
- Home maintenance/furnishings: Nothing in the budget listed there either, hard to decide what to cut or where things are going if complete picture not there.
- Gifts, vacation, entertainment, vices: Not listed either
You said you plan on having kids in the next few years, I'd recommend looking at that and deciding if you are going to stay home with kids, what ways you can do a side hustle from home using your degree. For both of you, best would be to look at each of your fields and see what the job requirements are for someone making $100k+ and use that as a guide to follow. I did that when my first child was born and went from $36k -> $100k in 5 years. If you each can make $100k, yet live on $30k, you'll do awesome.
I'm not going to do any slapping, but a question your husband has to think about is the plane, is the cost for it going to be worth the enjoyment out of it, is he planning on making it a side hustle that will pay for itself. I've got my own toy (electric car on a lease), but I counted the costs and have found ways to pay for itself (eg: free charging at work).