Author Topic: Georgia Mustachians?  (Read 1939 times)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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  • Posts: 6
Georgia Mustachians?
« on: November 11, 2014, 03:28:41 PM »
Looking for the Georgia crowd on the boards.  Anybody else out there?  What part of the state are you in?  Why do you love it? (Or hate it?) 

I'll start: I'm in Atlanta.  I love it for the (overall) progressive attitudes, diversity, access to services and culture and the Great Outdoors, and relatively high earning potential relative to the cost of living.  I hate it for the high taxes / property values in the neighborhoods with good schools, the messed up APS system, the high levels of income inequality, and the traffic / lack of infrastructure investment. 

Trying to decide if Atlanta is the right place, or if there's a more mustachian place in Georgia I should be considering.