Author Topic: Is it time to leave my job?  (Read 1634 times)


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Is it time to leave my job?
« on: December 17, 2019, 07:56:56 PM »
Im 31. Im a project manager in Houston. This is my first job since graduating college overseas with a bachelors  of science in industrial engineering. I started at 55k (oct 2013), now im at 70k. Some may say thats low for an engineer, but i dont really think im a true engineer (i think some coworkers are way better than me in physics, calculus, math, etc). I excel as a project manager, probably one of the best and most efficient at my workplace.

Edit: i didnt start as a project manager, i moved my way up to that role in this company over the years


  • Stubble
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Re: Is it time to leave my job?
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2019, 08:05:27 PM »
And if it is time ... What and how should i go about moving on?

Thank you

Frankies Girl

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Re: Is it time to leave my job?
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2019, 08:34:23 PM »
You don't say anything about how much you like working there, or anything. Or if there are really bad things? Or that your longevity there has certain perks or benefits you wouldn't have elsewhere?

If it's purely money... well, that's easy. First thing to do is go talk to your supervisor and ask what the options are for your advancement and pay rate. If you don't feel this is possible, or you've already had this talk maybe in an recent evaluation, and know for sure there isn't any room for advancement or extra $, then you get your resume polished up and start looking. Houston has a HUGE pool of companies that employ engineers/project management. This time of year isn't stellar for looking but you have no specific time line (that you mentioned) so start putting out feelers and seeing what is out there and what may be coming up and talk to trusted friends/contacts in the industry to see if they have any ideas or leads for you. Review what a good resume and cover letter should look like (may want to read a few books. I like Alison Green's "ask a manager" site for general info and she's written at least 2 books on how to get a job and all that comes with it - and even has a free guild for preparing for interviews on her website:

The standard answer to some of the easy questions:

How do I get more money?
Usually does require you to go to another job. Sometimes your current employer will value you enough to try to give you a good bump if you go talk to them as I suggested (phrasing it as "what can I do to be more valuable to this company/advance my career?" and not "I'm gonna leave if y'all don't kick me up at least 10% this year and give me a fancy new title," so it couldn't hurt, but real money/growth most likely requires moving on. Only you can decide if you're content with the job itself and current pay raises/benefits vs the hassle in leaving for another job, but having more opportunities and a higher payrate.

What if I find another job and my current job counteroffers?
Say thank you so much but I feel that the new job is a better fit for me at this time and don't think I could turn down the opportunity to go see what I can do there. Or whatever, just be polite and apologetic but firmly "no thank you."  If they truly valued you, they'd pay you NOW what they offered, and you accepting any counter to stay means you're tainted. Some bosses/companies even offer a counter and then fire the employee a month or so later after they secretly hire your replacement and it's too late to get that other job. Super vindictive and more like a stalker ex - how dare you try to leave! But some places are truly dysfunctional and at the least, you'll be considered unhappy with your job for looking, and will be the first cut when needed. And you would burn your bridges with the new company by turning down THEIR offer after they spent all that time interviewing/processing your hire. Stupid, but that's how it goes. Companies usually don't care about what is best for employees if it hurts them in any way.

Chris Pascale

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Re: Is it time to leave my job?
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2019, 11:18:34 PM »
Forget that some are better at math and physics. Obviously, that's going to be true for about everyone.

Are you happy with what you're making?
Would you be more happy making more?
What would a 30% pay bump do to your FIRE timeline? How about 2 years from now bumping it up another 20%?

Interview. Let an employer or two make you an offer, and then present that offer to your boss. Say, "I love working here, but was offered this."

A friend of mine was surprised (twice in a year) when his employer matched the offers both times.