So my aunt and uncle have a nice Subaru Legacy that they want to "give" to me. I have the car in the garage right now, but we haven't signed the paperwork and all that. She asked that I give her a few bucks for the car. I'm not really sure how much that means. The car is easily worth $7,000, but I'm not even sure if I want it. It's just taking up precious garage space that I need for my bikes.
Adding up all the costs:
Registration, Transfer, Plates, Taxes - $400
City Sticker - $50
Insurance - $350/yr
Maintenance - $100/yr
Garage Space...
We currently have one car and really don't need another, but when I get promoted or transferred at work I may need a vehicle.
So, my question is... Should I take it and how much should I offer them? I'm thinking yes and $200.