Why would accelerated money printing lead to higher inflation? This has been occurring in the US for 40 years, and inflation has been steadily falling. A person arguing that accelerated money printing and national debt REDUCES inflation would at least have evidence on the side of their theory!
Japan has been battling with deflation rather than inflation, and last I checked their national debt was over 200% GDP with a yield of almost nothing. I'm more inclined to think we are heading their direction, given the trend line and demographics.
Real estate investments should be evaluated on their merits and risks per the sticky thread in the RE section of this forum. Hedging inflation is NOT a good reason to buy RE with a low cap rate or other issues affecting profitability. If you want to do that, buy TIPS or commodities.
That said, if you've found a good deal, really weigh the benefits of using your home equity vs. a new business loan. Your down payment and interest rates would be lower if you do a cash-out refi of your current home*, but the tax deduction on interest is probably gone in that scenario.
*Your interest rate for an investment property will be about 1% higher than a home loan. Also, for the investment property you'll generally have to put down 25%, but with your home loan you can go down to 20% equity.