Hi all, quick question I couldn't find an answer for.
Right now I have two Camaros, one is a 91 and one is a 97. Both have ~115k miles, but the 91 is in pretty bad shape. They are both gas guzzlers too. Thankfully, they're both paid off. I'm only driving ~15 miles per day for work round trip, but still spending ~350 a month on gas. I live with my unemployed wife and we have no kids. The wife drives around a bit for errands and whatever, and we're considering having kids in a year or two, once my student loans are paid off. We're in the midwest suburbs with 0 public transportation.
I'm a novice mechanic with basic tools. I can do basic maintenance, but recently got hit with bad brake lines and a cracked master cylinder job which cost me almost $1200. The cars are getting old and if I get hit with more major repairs like this, I'll be in trouble.
Cash flow is ~+600 / month of 3500 income (still have 20k in student loans, I'm working at getting this fixed).
From my estimates I could get $7000 and $2500 for the 97 and 91 respectively.
What should I do in this case? Wait and see if something else breaks? Buy a used car in a terrible market? Buy a new car and set my mustache on fire? Buy a bike, get in shape, and hope we get a few cool/dry summers?