Hi all,
Over the past few months, I have been waking up with recurring back/shoulder/neck pain. I originally thought this was due to our 10 year old mattress, which had started to sag in the middle. I ordered a replacement mattress (memory foam from BedinaBox.com) - I was SO excited to receive it, because I thought it might magically take care of the problem. Unfortunately, I still wake up most mornings with shoulder pain, and frequently lower back and neck stiffness to go along with it.
I am and always have been a side sleeper, and have never experienced this type of discomfort before. As the day goes on, the pain tends to go away (or I get used to it, maybe). This is what led me to believe it was a bed problem. I can't think of any recent injury, or anything major that has changed. We did have a baby this year, so I have been sleeping a little less - though I don't think this is related.
Anyway, I wanted to see if anyone here had suggestions that might be worth trying. It's getting to the point where I dread going to bed because I know I will wake up in pain. I have a (maybe unfounded) distrust of chiropractors, because I don't want to set myself up for recurring visits that wouldn't be covered by my health plan. However, a number of people I have talked to swear by them. Any other ideas that I should try? Should I start training myself to sleep on my back? Or should I just suck it up and go to a chiropractor/doctor?
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in Advance!