I'm sincerely hoping that someone can give me some advice.
Here is my money situation.
My 401k has 3,700$ in it. I can not add anymore to it, though as that was how it was set up at my old job. It is expected to double every 8 years, however.
My savings has 4,800$
I get 660$ biweekly from paychecks.
Credit Card- $2,500
Phone- $300
Monthly Spending-
Car Insurance- $100
Phone- $80
Credit Card- $200
Food- $150
Gas- $60
Misc - $100
I know I'm lucky in that I pay no rent or utilities at the moment. I don't think I could afford it, regardless. I have been looking lately at homes to move into, ones around the 100k mark. But really, I need to figure out how to save more. It's a little disheartening to think that when I do move out in a few months (no set date), that all my savings will have gone towards it and I will be at zero again. How in the world can I ever hope to retire early? I doubt it matters, but I should add that I'm 26.