In 2017 we (wife and myself) took two, 4 month sabbaticals (with 4 months of work in between).
Sabbatical 1: 2 months backpacking through SE Asia. Thailand, Laos, Singapore, Cambodia, Vietnam. 3 weeks and 3000 miles on a motorcycle through Baja. Phoenix to Cabo and back. We camped on the beach every other night.
Sabbatical 2: 2 month, 8000 mile North American road/camping trip with our 4Runner and Off-road camper with rooftop tent. Our 3 month old German shepherd was also with us. We slept in the tent every night but 3. We did Michigan/norther peninsula, WI, Black Hills, Banff, Jasper, Yellowstone, Continental divide down then hopped off at Ouray, Grand Canyon, etc. Then we spent about a month with family.
I’m a contractor and longing for my next layoff as we’re beyond ready. My contract was extended already from mid 2020 to mid 2021. As much as we want to take time off, while working we save enough each month, to support 2-3 months of sabbatical traveling. So we’ll keep working until laid off or FIRE. 100% content with either option (though I feel I would prefer another sabbatical before FIRE.)
If I was laid off tomorrow we would hit the road for at least 6 months. We now have an enclosed fiberglass 17’ Casita camper that is way way better than our previous set ups. We would end our lease on our apartment and just travel full time until we start work again, wherever that would be.