I'd love ideas on how you respond to people's common questions about a Mustachian (ish) lifestyle.
Some of these questions/challenges include:
1) Why don't you buy a house if you both have jobs and you're financially stable? (my answer is usually because we live in such a high cost area that it's not always worth it to buy, plus I'm not comfortable with the commitment and we don't have a high enough down payment saved and still have student debt, but they argue that we don't need a high down payment and we're throwing our money away on rent blah blah blah)
2) Why do you save money when you can live for today? (or some variation of this) - I usually say that I try to balance priorities between future financial security and enjoying life now, they usually say you're going to die anyway so why not just live now, blah blah blah)
3) Why do you stay in a job you don't love when you can afford to take a lesser paying job you might like more? (I say because I've been unsuccessful searching and networking for a job I would actually like more in the first place and I appreciate the pay/benefits/security of the job I have now since it helps me fulfill some of my financial goals and I do still get satisfaction from the work even if I'm not "happy" every day, they come back with, isn't that kind of wasting your life if you're not happy, blah blah blah)
4) As a pregnant lady I'm starting to get the "Are you staying home or going back to work?" If we really squeezed our budget, stopped saving for retirement, stopped paying down our student loans early, and saved nothing for spawn's college, sure I could stay at home, but I'm not willing to make those sacrifices right now. I've already ruffled some feathers with this and I know there's going to be more.
I come away from these types of conversations feeling depleted and discouraged, even if it makes me cling even more to my own beliefs and values. A few people who ask me these types of questions repeatedly have very rough financial lives, so I think it's partially them being a little defensive, but also self-righteous about their own beliefs/values.
How do others handle these types of conversations?