Just got my oil bill for the month, whew! $411.65 for 189.50 gallons at $2.109/gallon, plus $375.28 for annual service plan is $786.93!
While insulating better is also on my list, right now I'm talking about reshopping oil companies or dropping/haggling the furnace plan. The first thing that springs to mind, is the service plan worth it? The furnace is at least 20 years old, maybe even older. We've had 2 or 3 issues with the furnace over 3 years... the first time, I believe it was a flow check valve that was not covered under the plan so we had to pay for an independent plumber to replace; the second time the oil guys came out twice to fix an issue which in the end my husband ended up diagnosing and fixing himself; and the third time there was smoke pouring out of the furnace a week after they did their annual servicing, probably due to the incorrect nozzle being used.
Also, how do you go about shopping for an oil company? Last time, I looked for local companies with good reviews, and picked the one that offered the best deal at the time. Is there any downside to re-shopping oil companies frequently?