Haha, I feel like I post this in all sorts of threads. I hope I'm not too repetitive.
@Off the Wheel , I've been using shampoo bars with an ACV rinse for almost a year. I got my shampoo bars at Ulta, solely because they were the only place I could find that had them listed online as in-stock in my city - I didn't want to try to reduce my plastic, etc., by shipping things across the country. They do have bar shampoo at my local Natural Grocer / Vitamin Cottage, but I didn't find that out until afterwards.
The ACV rinse is VERY necessary for me. I have long, fairly thick/coarse hair, and if I don't have the ACV rinse my hair just feels gross. There's a feeling of buildup and soapy-ness that just is unpleasant. However, as long as I don't forget the rinse, I feel like my hair overall is very healthy now, and I am pleasantly surprised. I only wash my hair once a week, maybe every 5 days. Partially that's because it's winter, I have a desk job, and I haven't done anything sweaty my entire pregnancy, so I don't get that dirty, but still.
On another note - I am considering going to a pixie cut, half because having long hair while nursing seems like a pain, and half because the texture of my hair without product is just more suited to short hair. It's got a ton of volume and a little bit of wave, and with the short hair, I hardly have to do anything to it at all.
I just got a few inches cut off to get rid of my split ends, and I was like "Holy crap, my hair looks GREAT!" when I got home. Turns out that's because of all the product and mousse and the half-hour of blow drying with a round-brush. Ain't nobody got time for that in my house. There's just barely too much personality to my hair to leave it alone when it's long, but I'm lazy so that's what happens. I'm a little worried that when I cut it short, the few grey hairs I do have will stand out (and up) more because they won't be weighed down by a foot of length. I guess I'll see, assuming I can get an appointment super quickly before my due date. On Wednesday. It seems unlikely...