Maybe once or twice a year. We're retired and if we eat at home, I've cooked it. (We do eat out once a week.) We might be a take out pizza with unexpected company or a large group. I'm with the others who don't see the point in paying someone to cook for me if they aren't cleaning up and washing the dishes also.
True, true, but it's just me and I open the container and fork right out of it whilst lounging on my couch. Cleanup is as taxing as unreclining and walking to the garbage.
Tough room - it's just one measly container and one plastic fork. Sometimes I use an actual metal fork and toss it in the dishwasher with all the dishes I accumulated being a good steward of the Earth and cooking at home.
That's one of the reasons I dislike takeout. The massive amount of trash generated for a simple meal (that needed no more than a plate and a fork) is astounding.
Yes, this is one of the reasons I avoid it.
Which is prob not a big deal if it's not a regular thing. But one measly container (if not recyclable or compostable) x 3 days a week x millions of people = a really big fucking deal.
There's a difference between a styrofoam container, and a plastic container that can be recycled, or a cardboard container than can be composted.
... yes I wash plastic baggies
... yes I use a reusable water bottle
... yes I bring bags to the store, including reusable produce bags
I just do my best to limit waste, and still have a long way to go compared to Zero Waste Home.