I agree velocistar and twinge - we need to be flexible and stay in the house as long as possible. We're in one of the best school districts in the state and taxes are only $2,600/yr (2,000 sq ft home on 1 acre in large metropolitan area) - as I type that I'm really wondering why I'd ever need a bigger house??? I guess that's the jr. mustachian in me - please forgive me folks.
We've decided to pay approx. $30k in to the mortgage in order to transition to a conventional loan and eliminate PMI. As an added bonus, we will have savings of $450/month which equates to 18% guaranteed annual ROI ($5,400/30k = 18% - thanks for the pointer, Arebelspy!). As this is equity we're gaining in the home, I see this as a great opportunity to get out from under PMI and "earn" a good return on that money (currently sitting in cash and brokerage account) and I can replenish the $30k stash in 8 months.
Thanks for the tips - I'm really grateful to be able to bounce ideas off people in this forum. I think we need to do a MMM meet-up at some point - has that been done yet in any city?