I don't think anyone can (or has the right) to tell YOU what YOU should do. Advice is great and there are a lot of well meaning people who post on this site, but you are the only person who really can figure out the best course of action. I know that's not what you were asking for...my point is you feel like shit and you are the only person that can change that.
That being said, I can tell you what I would do if I were in your situation.
First, recognize that there are other people who have been through tough (much tougher) situations and have come out on the other side. When I start feeling overwhelmed I think about people who suffered through the concentration camps, people who have seen loved ones taken away by ISIS, etc. It helps me put my problems into perspective. Yep...I feel bad...legitimately so...but I'm not dying of a horrible disease, my kids are healthy and happy, etc. Reframing the problem helps me "get out of my own head" so to speak and look at the issues objectively.
Next, I have some brutally honest conversations with myself. What am I doing to make the situation better or worse? Usually it's relationships or jobs that cause the most stress in a person's life....two things you have far more control over than you realize. I've been in job situations that I hated and couldn't immediately quit due to financial obligations. However, rather than just simmer in a pot of misery, I turned my disgust at the situation into focused job searches.
Relationships are a tough one. Time for some tough self talk. Do you really want to be with someone who is not "all in." Are YOU someone you'd want to hang out with? I've had to come to grips with some unpleasant truths about myself (I can be a whiny little bitch). Put an action plan together to address the things you can control.
I've also come to understand the power of chaos. Chaos at first glance is horrible and frightening. Until you realize what chaos does to your brain. Chaos focuses you like nothing else. Imagine you are suddenly picked up right now and deposited halfway around the world. No money, no friends, nothing. You suddenly find yourself in a completely foreign city where you don't speak the language. You'd be scared (of course) but I guarantee you...you wouldn't be thinking about breakups or jobs. Your brain would kick into overdrive. You'd be 1000% alert...looking, hearing, smelling everything. Your survival instincts would kick in. You'd be on the lookout for danger while at the same time trying to figure out how to get home. You would of course figure it out. You'd make your way to your embassy, or get a local to make a call for you. The point is, all that chaos would focus you in a way that would make you feel truly alive (and terrified for sure). You'd get home glad to be alive and you'd have a story to tell for the rest of your life.
Now, I'm NOT SAYING throw your life into complete chaos....at least not to that extent. What I am saying is that sometimes you need to do something EXTERNAL to get yourself out of focusing on the INTERNAL too much.
I personally go on trips to feel good but especially when I'm feeling the way you are right now. Travel IS CHAOS just in a much more controlled fashion. Travel hits all the same buttons...foreign environment, brain on high alert, etc.
There are plenty of ways to travel for little $$$
Personally I love Workaway
https://www.workaway.info/Free room and board in exchange for help. You can go to Amsterdam and help restore 18th century sailing ships, you can go to Africa and help build schools, you can go to South America and work on a coffee plantation. There are literally thousands of opportunities.
Yeah..I know...you have a job. Time for more brutal self talk...Is it a job you love? Will they give you a sabbatical? Do you care? I traveled for a year and was worried about the resume gap. It was actually a terrific conversation starter when I started interviewing....recruiters were far more interested in what I'd done in Normandy than the last certification I'd passed.
Long post, I know.
SImply put, get out of your own head. Be honest with yourself and understand that
no one...not your friends, therapist or Internet strangers can solve this for you. Put a little healthy chaos into your life (safely of course).